Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Journey Update - 1/12/2006

Journey Update

As most of you know, I left on my journey to find my new life vision including my new love on Nov. 1. I spent a lovely month at the top of an Arkansas mountain, doing some work with the land and the crystal vortexes and the wonderful woman who owns this sacred land.

Just before Thanksgiving, I knew I had to go visit my daughter for Thanksgiving and see her before she left for Washington DC for her new life and new job. I also had to attend a talk by Lama Ole, an old friend and Diamond Way Buddhist leader in Austin right after Thanksgiving. I had to complete some old energy that was keeping my vision at a distance. After doing that, I returned to Houston for 11 days before going to Lake Whitney to attend a wedding for a dear friend of mine at the Chapel of Light on Dec. 10.

During those 11 days, I did readings and replenished my money for the travels a little bit. I also connected back into a huge real estate project that is a third dimensional manifestation of the Crystal City. Many of you have experienced the Crystal City and know what a wonderful energetic project this will be. I’m channeling a lot of information for this project that will take Houston from the old Piscean Age energy of a fossil fuel city to a dynamic crystal technology city of the future. It’s a huge project with many facets, and if any of you feel connected to the project or that you have a piece of information about it, please email me with details. Right now, the originator of the project is seeking a big money developer to fund the vision. If you have any ideas about who this is and how to draw this investor into the deal, please let me know. There will be lots of opportunity for light workers to bring their talents into this project and in the long run be compensated for it. It’s a big mission, and all those involved will recognize their pieces. This is a call to bring them to the table now.

After the Scottish wedding at the Chapel of Light, a reactivation of the energy there, and a great weekend with friends, I returned to Houston, uncertain of my next step on the journey. Then I got sick as a result of burning up a vacuum cleaner at the Chapel of Light and breathing toxic black smoke. So, I had to take an extra week to recuperate in Houston. I did that, still uncertain of the next step, and just as I began to feel better, I got a hit that I needed to go to Albuquerque. I checked it out with the I-Ching, and there was a tremendous amount of energy in it. All the energy of my vision showed up in the reading. I was very happy about this. I called my friend Tom who moved to Albuquerque from Houston last year with my encouragement. I didn’t know how important that recommendation would be to my own journey, but that’s the way Spirit works.

The drive to Albuquerque was incredible. Other than a few hours of intense fog near the Texas/New Mexico border, it was beautiful weather, and beautiful scenery. As I drove through the fog, I played a cd called "Music to Disappear In." Anything to amuse myself, and it made me laugh. Just as I hit the New Mexico border, I tried my radio, and there was no reception, but I pressed the search button, and suddenly a song played that was a direct message from the man in my vision. It said something like, "I know the road is long, but your faith is strong, and we’ll be together soon. You’re headed toward a new life." I repeated the search three times and each time received a message that was different, but had a similar context. One said, "You out there on the road, listen to your heart." Another was a discussion of sacred relationships. Very powerful.
I stopped in Roswell for the night and reconnected with my old friend, Margaret Rustan. We had a nice visit, and then I drove the complete scenic route to Albuquerque. It was beautiful. I felt myself getting closer and closer to my vision and my love.

I am so grateful to Tom for all his kindness and support on this journey, opening his home, feeding me, making me coffee, encouraging me, and acknowledging my unconventional life without judgment. The day after arriving in Albuquerque, Tom gave me a book called "Sacred Union." The authors’ names sounded very familiar in an old way, from the Sun Temples of Atlantis and the temples of Egypt (Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa, names they reclaimed through Archangelic messages). Also, their book was the story of them finding each other and knowing that they were each other’s "beloved" just like the journey I’m on. I felt very connected to them, and I sent them an email. They responded inviting me to come to their New Year’s Eve day channeling and gathering at their TOSA ranch (Temple of Self Ascension) in the East Mountains near Albuquerque. I also happened to mention that I was an editor in case they were writing another book and needed help with it. They responded that they were indeed completing their 2nd book in their series, and needed layout help. I said I could do that too, and after the channeling on Dec. 31, we proceeded to work on their new book, "2012: You Have a Choice." It’s quite powerful, and very much in alignment with information I’ve been receiving for some time. If you’re interested in their work, explore their site: www.selfascension.com. At their gathering, I found that many people have been getting visions of their beloved and have left their homes in search of the vision. Pretty amazing. I’m not the only one.

I have not yet found my beloved, but one of my dear friends told me she dreamed of me the other day and in the dream, I phoned her and said, "I found my beloved on the mountaintop and his name is Jim." She said I was curled up next to him by a fire, and that he looked sort of like a Paul Bunyan type. I like that. My time in Albuquerque is done now, and I’m leaving Saturday for Santa Fe. If anyone has connections I can make in Santa Fe, please let me know. I drove up there (only an hour away) this week and connected with the lady I’ll be staying with, a friend of a friend in Houston, and we had a nice connection. I also visited with Daniel Valdez, an artist I was connected with ten years ago on another special journey, and he has some work I can do to help him with his art store. I’m looking forward to the next phase, and I know I’m getting very close to my beloved. It’s like some crazy scavenger hunt, but I’m doing some really good work along the way with many people, too much information to put into this email, but suffice it to say that I feel I’m exactly where I need to be at the exact time I need to be there.

If anyone wants a telephone reading, I’m happy to arrange that. I can also do readings by email if you have specific questions you want to address. I need support on my journey, and I’m open to whatever will do that. Email your questions to me and I'll do what I can to help as I know you will for me.

If it seems like it’s a long time between updates, it’s because I’m in the middle of the process. It’s hard to write it down until I have time to stop and think about everything. Thanks for your good wishes and loving support as I go along. I hope 2006 is beginning well and continues to get better and better for all of you.
I wish you all your heart’s and soul’s desires, and that if you have not yet found your beloved, that you find him/her very soon. It’s time to create sacred partnerships and be joyful. Know that All is Well. All is Well. All is Well (the mantra for now).

sandy penny: sandy@writingmuse.com

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