Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Too Weird

by Sandy Penny . 3-28-2012

The other night I had a dream about being recruited for a fifth dimensional training school. It is very hard to describe, but suffice it to say that every move I made, every decision I made, every thought I had was influencing what happened next. It was a bit like living inside a video game where you keep moving to different levels by making a simple choice. I’ve been musing on that dream for a couple of weeks now, and it’s very powerful. I felt it was the first time I actually connected with the fifth dimensional reality that so many people talk about as we make this major shift this year. The dream made my current life experiences make more sense. If I’m already living in the fifth dimension, but I don’t know it, things may not work the way I think they will based on my 3D experiences. It also accounts for the start and stop energy on so many projects these days.

I recently connected with a woman in the fifth dimension who offered me a great project. It could involve several of my creative friends, and it seemed so right. We started working on the project, and suddenly she began acting very differently, pulling me in different directions, giving me instructions, then changing the whole project before I could get started. Finally, I bowed out of the project because I felt disrespected in the process. Showing respect for those who are on this journey with you is so important these days. We are all facing challenges that tax our resources to the max, and recognizing that you’re not the only one having this experience is part of the shift.

My guides once said to me, “Everything has changed, nothing is what you thought it would be.” There was no ominous charge on the statement, just shared information. And, it has been so true for me. Everything has changed, and nothing is what I thought it would be. I’m having to make huge leaps within myself to catch up with this fast moving energy. I’m having to be very intentional with what I want to experience right now. Perhaps you are as well.

Some of the weird experiences you may experience:

You are talking with a friend, and suddenly you remember everything they’re saying. You say, yes, you already told me that, but they look at you quizzically and say, “I couldn’t have told you yet because it just happened this morning, and we haven’t talked about it.” Then you relate the whole conversation, and it’s correct, but you couldn’t have had it yet.

And on the other side of that, your friend relates something the two of you supposedly did together recently, and you have no memory of it at all. Your friend begins to think you’re going senile, but you know it must have happened in another dimension, and this version of you never experienced it. It gets a bit confusing and disorienting.

Time distortion: You wake up, and it’s 8:45 am. You have a few minutes before you need to get up, so you decide to catnap again. You have an amazing lengthy dream, and wakeup afraid you’ve overslept. You look at the clock, andit’s 8:45 am, the same time. This can happen multiple times. Finally you get up just to stop the experience.

Then, of course, there are the disappearing items. You put your glasses into your purse, leave for an appointment, and when you arrive, you find you don’t have your glasses. You remember the whole process of putting them in your purse, but they’re not there. You struggle through the appointment and go to your car. You look in your purse for your keys, and there are your glasses on top of everything else. The same may be true for a cup of tea you made, a bag of fruit you bought at the grocery that totally disappeared from your counter, or a new blouse you bought yesterday that no longer exists. Money in your bank account that doesn’t belong there, money not in your bank account that you put in yesterday, and it was there last night but missing this morning. Pounds that you put on and take off overnight, sometimes up to 30 pounds more or less in a day.

You are not going crazy. You are reality shifting, stepping back and forth over invisible boundary lines as you make choices for the future. These seemingly small indicators are actually important reminders to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings and actions. This is a bumpy ride right now, so don’t buy into the story that you’re sick or senile or absent minded. Become more aware of these events in order to begin stabilizing the energy for yourself. Pay attention to the messages they may be giving you.

Be gentle, be kind and be loving to yourself and others around you as you go through this ascension and enlightenment process. It’s a sign that we’re ready for the conscious shift. Onward and upward – NOW.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What if?

Questions for the future.

by Sandy Penny

When I  was a child, I received a message from Spirit that said, “No question is ever asked that does not already have an answer. It’s up to humanity to find the answer.” It did not say, it’s up to humanity to create the solution, only that it is up to us to “find” the answer. 

So, I have set out to ask questions that I would love to see answered, in order to inspire humanity to find the answer. If what I heard is true, how does it change the world? How does it change our approach to solving problems? How does it change our personal lives?

I have asked many big questions and received answers, and now I’m seeing those solutions appear in the world, exactly as they were shown to me. Oh, sometimes I didn’t have the vision to see what it would look like, but when it showed up, I was smart enough to recognize it as the answer I had been shown. That is so exciting to me.


I asked the question, “What are we going to do about the water shortage in the world in the future?” I was told that there is no water shortage in the world, only a shortage of awareness of available water sources. Now it has come to my awareness that the earth creates water deep within, through its own chemical processes. That water is called primary water, pure H2O. Once considered a myth, it has now been drilled and found repeatedly. It is an idea whose time has come, and it is available and will show itself to us through the fissures created by earthquakes and other geolgoical events.

The answer is contained within the question. 


I asked, “How are we going to solve the energy crisis and eliminate the toxic emissions from cars?” I was shown cars with photosynthesis cells, and houses run on photosynthesis. I was told, the plants are the answer. Not being very technical, I didn’t understand how that could work. Last year, MIT announced water splitting through photosynthesis. A small water bottle could run a car or a house, and an olympic-sized swimming pool could more than run the entire world with its energy needs growing for the next 42 years. A simple solution requiring no infrastructure. I want to see this built and sold. I want my home and car to be run by this clean energy, and with the primary water, no one can even say using water is not practical.



I asked, “What are we going to do with the increasin amounts of trash we’re creating?” I was shown that all matter can be broken down to base particles that are all the same. They are intelligent and responsive and can be made into anything, think Star Trek replicators. So, all trash will go to a central processing plant that will separate all the elements into their basic forms so they can be used to manufacture new  materials and products. That technology is currently under development, TRASH BLASTER:

All that being said, I just want to encourage you to see that solutions to our “unsolvable” problems are already being developed. The more energy we focus on the solutions and asking questions so that answers will show up, the faster we will advance into a better future.

What questions are you asking? What answers are you getting? The answer is inherent in the question, so be mindful of how you phrase your questions.

Let’s create a better world from a place of love.

Thanks for considering … Sandy,

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Once Upon a Time at Sanctuary

The Sun Manor Sanctuary began as an inspired message from Spirit. It was a half-way house for the spiritually awakening and those claiming their spiritual power. It was a place to find acceptance when the world and even your family had given up on you. Sanctuary was full of magical, mystical, miraculous people and events.

I have finally begun to write the first book in the Sanctuary series. I'm posting the chapters on my Sanctuary blog. Feel free to read them as I write them, knowing these are drafts. When I finish the book, these chapters will be removed from the blog. I'd love to have your comments and encouragement as the writing continues. Remember, the posts start from the bottom of the list on the left if you want to read from the beginning.

In Joy ...
