Co-Creating and the Language of Peace
by Sandy Penny
Co-Creating: Now that the SHIFT has occurred, energy to fund new emotional, creative and financial structures is floating around in the atmosphere. Can’t you feel it? Now is the time to claim what is truly yours, and as I’ve said so many times, knowing what you want is the important part of creating.
You don’t have to know exactly what you want, just know how you’d like that to look and feel and what you want from it. And you might even have to be flexible on how it looks when it manifests. What is your passion?
For instance, many years ago, I was managing a secretarial service, and I wanted my own business, but I had no idea what kind of business. I had been a secretary and a graphic designer, but my true love had always been writing. I didn’t have a degree, so I wasn’t likely to get hired anywhere as a writer. So, I made a list of what I wanted in a business. I wanted it to use my writing and graphic skills. I wanted it to include my spiritual focus that was definitely not mainstream religion, and it needed to support my son and me. I had a house note, a car note, insurance and all the expenses of a single mom with only enough child support to pay for day care. And, this was in September. I wanted my own business by November of that same year. I gave Spirit 2 months to manifest what I wanted. I did not say what kind of business it had to be, only that it include the things I mentioned above. And, oh yeah, it had to take no investment because I did not have any money to invest, none at all.
I kept focusing on the vision and expecting it to materialize. And, I didn’t have to have Spirit hit me with a lightning bolt and speak into my ears what it should be. I just stayed aware of what happened around me and what people said to me, knowing that someone else can deliver a message from Spirit. I had no idea where it would go.
Then, in early November, I was at a psychic fair. The buzz was all about the Common Ground, an events newspaper that had gone out of business. People kept walking up to me and saying things like, we had a lot more attendance when there was a newspaper, and we sure need a place to advertise that is targeted to our market, and we need a place to introduce people to these Spiritual concepts and get them to attend events and classes. After a few comments like this, a light bulb went off in my head, and I heard myself say, “I could do that.” As simple as that, a business idea was born. Then it was incumbent on me to act on the information.
I picked up an old copy of Common Ground and called the phone number to see what kind of info I could find out. It turned out to be a woman named Katherine Shugert who owned a bookstore called Pilgrim’s Path. She told me to come over and talk with her, and I did. She had been the answering service for the paper, and she gave me a list of previous advertisers. I did a proposed layout and wrote a couple of articles for the layout, and I invited all the advertisers to a party. Meanwhile I investigated printing costs etc. During that party, I sold enough advertising to pay for the first issue (no investment from me.) From that first issue on, I supported myself with the newspaper, something no one had done before with a free distribution newspaper. I lived on it for several years, and then met the woman who I trained to take over, and I move to another level in my life.
That being said, what do you want in your life? Write your program and focus on it until it shows up. Keep in mind if you are conflicted about it, don’t put it into the program, it will slow the process of return. Only put what you know you want into it, and I always added that it be “AIDO” All in Divine Order, in harmony with my soul’s purpose.
Now, on to what I started to write this newsletter about to begin with, the Language of Peace. You know how metaphysical types are always reminding you about negative words in your vocabulary and negative thoughts that are counterproductive. Well, I have some new monitoring to recommend. Einstein said, “We cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking at which it was created.”
As long as we are holding a war mentality and fighting everything in our lives, we cannot use all that energy to create a new world. In the old Piscean age, fighting for what we wanted was absolutely necessary and appropriate to our history, but now we have moved in the Aquarian Age, and fighting is no longer supported. That’s why I said, co-creating. Cooperation is now the new focus, what is win-win and what is for the greater good. Sacred partnership is the call of the day.
Our language is filled with words of war and conflict. We “fight” for what’s right. We have the “war” on drugs and the “battle” of the bulge. We fight cancer and heart disease. So much of our language still says that we are at war with our circumstances instead of being at peace with them. As long as we are at war with our fellow man and within ourselves, we are wasting precious energy that could be used to create peaceful, co-creative, community oriented projects for the good of all concerned. What are you fighting? Who are you fighting?
The world will never be at peace until we create peace within ourselves. Let that be our goal, to live at peace with our lives, to create for the greater good which is always for our own good because we are part of the greater good.
Greed is violent. It starves those who are hungry in favor of those who have way too much. Greed follows emotional need. If we have a hole to fill up inside us, we keep pouring material possessions into that hole, and it never fills up. Emotional needs cannot be met through material acquisitions. Look at the mortgage companies who just took billions of dollars of our tax money, and they are still not negotiating with the homeowners and bailing them out. If, instead, the homeowners had been bailed out by paying off their mortgages, the lenders would have their money and not need a bailout. Business would return to normalcy. But, the greedy are holding onto that money and they will not prosper because borrowers will remember how they were treated, and eventually all that bailout money will be spent, and we’ll be right back where we started.
Unless, unless - the greater good wins out. Please focus on that. This is the age of community and cooperation. We have enough resources in this world to feed the hungry, house the poor and heal the sick. Let us co-create a new non-violent world system that serves the people who fund it instead of exploiting them. Instead of fighting, let us join together in world service. The only reason we don’t have “heaven on earth” is our fear of lack. Let go of the fear and live the dream. Take responsibility for yourself and also help those who have not awakened yet to their own power. Instead of accusing them of contributing to their own demise, let us lead them to toward a brighter future.
Let us stop fighting and begin building. Let us stand up for what’s right. Let us heal the underlying emotional issues that drive the drug culture (emotional pain and boredom) and let us create our perfect weight out of respect for our bodies. Instead of fighting illness, let us restore the balance that creates our perfectly healthy bodies and lives. Instead of warmongers, let us be peacemakers. Pay attention to your words; they tell where you are coming from and what’s inside you.
Wishing you peace, love, abundant joy and all your heart and soul’s desires.
Sandy Penny "Writing is My Passion" sandy@writingmuse.com www.writingmuse.com Taos, NM HM/OFFICE: 575-751-1456
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