Thursday, March 17, 2011

Working with the Angels & Elementals for Clearing Land

My spiritual teacher, Kip Davidson, who was a 7th generation celtic healer and angelic teacher, taught me how to interact respectfully with all the earth beings that share and co-create this garden we live in. If you do not like to work with in the dirt and dig in the garden, visualize the beauty of flowers and other plants and trees while sending love and smiling energy to nature. That is how I usually work with nature, and I do my part to honor the planet in other ways too.

Since so many people are asking what they can do to help as the planet makes all these shifts and changes, I am offering this wise advice from Molly Sheehan. Here's the way Molly recommends to help clear the land.


As presented to Molly Sheehan of Green Hope Farm
(Molly produces high-vibration flower essences)

A MESSAGE FROM THE IRISH ELEMENTALS (Nature spirits) on St. Patrick's Day 3/17/2011

“We have “seen it all” however we have seen too much of some things and too little of others. This project (Green Hope Farm in NH) re-animates our interest in things human because it works with us versus against us, as is more often the case.

We steady this planet. We steady our emerald island. Most often, we steady against the imprecations of humans. But we find in this project (Green Hope Farm in NH), humans working to steady the planet with us. We thank you one and all for working with Flower Essences and working to both balance yourself and your worlds. We need you. We need you most intently right now. Much water is coming unless more of you concentrate on this steadying work. It is okay if this water comes. We say again, if waters come, it will be alright. We have seen waters come and waters go. The essential you survives even if you go through the death process. The earth and human communities can be restored after such floods. We can rebuild, we can remake, we can reinvigorate when such things as water cleanse the Earth but it is much labor that would not be necessary if more humans come to the fore with their own steadying efforts.

What do we mean by steadying? Your efforts to find balance in your lives matter. Your efforts to balance your impact on your environment matters. We want to clarify that while your “ecological footprint” is grossly out of balance in the western world, the most pressing need is for you to work on your emotional footprint. What do we mean by this? We mean you must stop leaving your emotional chaos littering the natural world.

You must invoke us to clear it from the land you inhabit. We hope you will deal with the imbalances of your giving and receiving relationship with us and live with us more as partners than in a master/servant dynamic HOWEVER, the most pressing need is for you to clear the environment of your emotional garbage.

We asked Molly to put a basic procedure for land cleansing after our message. You may think that your contribution to this effort could not make any difference. You would be wrong in this. We were interested in Molly’s farm, small though it is, because, in part, the routine energetic cleansing done at this farm has helped in a significant way. We speak in a united voice with our brethren Elementals of the New World when we speak of the significance of energetic cleansing. Every place that is routinely cleared, no matter how small, has an exponential effect in terms of restoring the Earth.

You like to think of us as the little people of the old country; magic, mischievous, ancient, wise, guardians of earth treasures. We may be all these things. We would most certainly like to come into deeper communion with you and share our world view. If you want to begin a deeper relationship by helping us in some way, doing any variation of the following process would be much appreciated. Green Blessings!


Negativity builds up on land in many ways. Human discord of any kind settles on the land where the discord took place. If you have a temper tantrum in your backyard, that energy remains in your backyard. Even the most pristine piece of land, uninhabited by humans, will have negativity delivered to it by wind and precipitation. For example, rain clears the atmosphere of negativity but leaves this negativity on the land.

This discord stays in the land UNTIL the negativity is either cleansed energetically in conscious cooperation with Nature (ie the Angels and Elementals) or is forcibly removed through extreme weather such as hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, etc.

When land is energetically cleaned, the vibration is raised and the negativity is dissolved or transmuted without any side effects. Elementals and Angels, particularly the Elementals, do the actual energy cleansing but this group CANNOT do this work in the same benign way unless a human asks them to do it. Asking for this cleansing must been done by a human. It is one of our vital roles in the co-creation and maintenance of Earth.

If a human doesn’t ask for energy cleansing for a piece of land and this land is holding a lot of negativity, the Elementals only options for removing this negativity is extreme weather. Because the Elementals are supposed to keep the planet in form, steadying and balancing it as we go, they WILL clear land that is very negative in order to help this balancing process. Without our help, big weather events are the operative mechanism for such clearings.


If you can do this every day, this is of maximum benefit to land you live and work on, but even occasional cleansing will be a great help! It should not take more than a few minutes. I like to sit quietly while doing this but if need be, do it on the fly. The cleansing will be done when you ask for it, no matter how or when you ask.

You can ask for assistance from:

The Overlighting Deva of the piece of land you want to clean. This being holds the divine plan for this piece of land. 
  • Angels overlighting the land. They work with the Deva of the land.
  • The Elementals of the land. These are the beings who bring your land into actual form and then hold it there so we can live in a world of form.
  • Pan, Head Elemental of Earth.
Any Ascended Master of God realized being who is connected with this piece of land. There may or may not be any connected depending on the piece of land.
  • Deva of the Earth’s atmosphere, Lunaria. 
  • Deva of the Earth’s surface, Sapphalo.
  • Deva of the sun in the center of the Earth, Darndella.
  • Our Sun, Helios and Vesta
You do not need to list all the names above to get help!  Just SIMPLIFY THE PROCESS and ask for all the appropriate Angels and Elementals of the land to help you for the highest and best good of all concerned.

After you call in some variation of this group, ask them to CLEANSE, CLEAR, RE-BALANCE AND ILLUMINATE the land you are clearing. You can ask them to clear the EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, PHYSICAL, AND ETHERIC BODIES of the land realign with the source of all that is, pure divinity.

Ask that any negativity be released through a GRID OF LOVE. This is just a way to describe a cleansing filter that purifies the energies so that they do not come back to the land again.

You can visualize all the negativity being removed from the land both below and above ground or you DON’T HAVE TO VISUALIZE anything. The land will still be cleansed because you have asked to have it done. Close the session with a thanks to everyone involved. AND I THANK YOU as do the Elementals for your efforts!

As offered by Molly Sheehan, Green Hope Farm,

From Sandy Penny: 

You can also call up the light of the Sun, the light of the Moon and the light of Stars to transform, revitalize and rejuvenate the land, the water, our food. Give thanks, and ALSO take some action that affirms that you are working to help the situation in cooperation with the angels and elementals. Plant a tree or some other plant. Dig in the earth and sing to the fairies. Whatever comes to you from your heart to align you with these important beings that help maintain this world we live in. The elementals are the cosmic gardeners, the spirits of the flora and fauna. To know them is to love them, and to love them is to love yourself and the planet.

Read more of Sandy's articles at, check the archives in the right hand sidebar, and subscribe to receive updates on this blog or for your Daily Happiness Hits, subscribe at  I am receiving so much input to share during this time of the SHIFT, I know it can be overwhelming, but stay focused on the joy and you will help recreate our paradise on earth.

This earth healing article was shared with me by: Cassandra Noel

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Golden Wolf Speaks on Unity Consciousness

I thought this might be thought provoking. I do not agree with everything in it, but it felt right to share it with you. My knowing about this time is that the outcome is all in divine order, and that if we stay focused on the vision of what we want to live now and in the future, that all will be well. No matter what it looks like right now, this is the time to hold our visions, dreams and desires steady in our knowing that Spirit wants us to have what we truly want. The Universe is the mechanism that responds to the group consciousness and creates from that input. So, be sure you're focusing on what you truly want - not what you don't want because the pictures you create, both negative and positive have great power in this time of chaos and creation.


We have a funny way at looking at the current Earth Changes. In the Japan earthquake event, one elder said the Whale Brother/Sisters have spoken, "high-fiving" it in the ocean. We have to NOT get bogged down in tragedy and fear.
It blocks the lifeline and information from spirit. The Great Spirit and all its helpers are watching this grand play knowing everyone is eternal. They watch some make it, watch some listening, and some not making it and not listening in full awareness of your eternal nature.
When a soul does not make it and enters the heaven that matches their vibration they are greeted with a "high-five" and great effort you almost made it by those in the spirit world. This is often followed by a great sense of relief and both belly laughing.
For those who want to continue their journey in the physical and want to listen here is a heads up. Your Earth, the grand mother and giver of your physical body, is ascending, changing her frequencies and going to the next level of her expression.

This is a BIRTHING PROCESS and not all births are easy. For some who listen and prepare the birth will be easier, for those who don't harder and some will find themselves birthed into the heavens. The most ancient of ancestors were from the stars.

They are returning. Many of them and their structures are now molten rock due to the nature of what come call plate tectonics. Some of their more recent structures before the last cataclysms remain; which cannot be duplicated to this day.

There are subduction zones where the plates are going under, recycled into molten rock and zones where the Earth is rising again anew. The 9th Wave of change into unity consciousness, the solar flares, the Moon cycles, the Galactic Core Alignments, planetary alignments and gravitational fields of large incoming objects all play a part in the expansion and movement of the Earth.

The time compression where what used to take centuries will now HAPPEN IN WEEKS is at play, the sun cycles, CMEs Solar Flares, and the alignment with Hunabku Galactic Center are well explained by the Mayan Calendar and other Nations Prophecies.

What is happening in Japan and many other islands is the movement of these plates. Many islands are going under some are rising depending on their location. Whole continents like the ancient Mu or Lemuria are raising from underneath the oceans some ancient cities like Atlantis are being exposed due to the melting of the poles.

Many of these ancient cities are 2,000 feet beneath the sea. Do you know why many Native cultures do not easily embrace technology? It is because those were their ancestors and in some cases EXTREME ABUSE of technologies NOT unlike today brought about their demise.

The Earth you used to depend on to be stable will NO longer provide that stability. She is being shaken, transformed, experiencing huge influxes of energy, the poles both magnetic and physical are shifting and it is time the lost ones awaken and listen to their mother.

This is NOT the first time your soul has had this experience. The ones who listened last time are the ones who's genetics remained. It is a natural process of cleaning up the gene pool of those who refuse to awaken. This is not to promote fear it is to move beyond denial of our physical bodies and their relationship to the Earth and Great Spirit.

Time and a half is over. The grace period has ended.

The reckless greed and tyranny due to the false belief in separation of your physical bodies to the Earth body and Spirit is coming to a close.

Unity consciousness includes all Creation. It is time to listen, act through wisdom not fear, work in harmony with each other and the Earth. If she tells you to move, move.



Sunday, March 06, 2011

Solar Flares Affecting Consciousness

by Sandy Penny,
Before I get to the SOLAR FLARE article , I want these paradigms to be in your mind when you read it.
I’ve been feeling the effects of Solar Flares since last year. As a Leo with five planets in fire, I’m very attuned to that energy. We’re firing up the new grid, so now is the time to implement your new and good into your life. The earth crystals are releasing the new DNA programs, and the Crystal Children are here and looking to us to help them implement the new systems and paradigms. 

Here are some new paradigms to consider as you’re focusing on what you want in this new world:
  1. You can be supported for who you are and what you love to do and live as and where you want.
  2. You can choose to step outside the matrix of the world and still be supported, successful and thriving.
  3. You can create new paradigms to share with other open hearted people.
  4. You can learn through joy, love, passion and the perfect manifestation of your divine self.
  5. You can be and do whatever you choose.
  6. You can be in a state of love no matter what is happening around you.
  7. All is divine order, balance, harmony & oneness.
  8. You are everything you need to be. You do not have to become anything else, just express your true self.
  9. All is abundance, there is only abundance and allowance of abundance, if you choose it.
  10. You are always on your path and all is well.