Monday, October 10, 2016

Invocation for Our World Leaders

Invocation for Our World Leaders

Invocation for the World Leaders 

by Sandy Penny

I thought it was time we all focused on some positive energy for the group consciousness. I hope you'll read this often and share it anywhere you want.
With much love for all concerned. ~Sandy Penny

May all our world leaders be blessed with wisdom, compassion, and concern for the highest good of their people, their land, and the whole earth. May they act only when it benefits all. May they feed the hungry, offer healing to the sick, and give shelter to the dispossessed. May they reassure the frightened, comfort the sad, and love the children. May they educate everyone and work toward their own enlightenment. May they hold a vision that everyone can embrace. May they always give more than they take. And may each day be a brighter day that restores our joy and faith.

~Sandy Penny,  2016