Saturday, February 22, 2014

Choice Points

Choice Points . by Sandy Penny

Life is a Sliding Scale from Pain to Ecstasy. Do you think you have a choice?

All around you, the world, the universe is teeming with life and light and darkness and death. Sometimes you feel it or see it or smell, taste or touch it. Sometimes you're aware of it, and sometimes you are too preoccupied with your own little microcosm to observe it. 

Yet, all the time, you are in it and of it. You cannot separate yourself from it because you are it, and it is you. There is no us and them. There is only being.

When you judge life, you feel pain. When you love life, you feel ecstasy. Life is a sliding scale from pain to ecstasy. It is a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other and sometimes pauses at the center for a moment in time. That moment in time is called peace, and for most people, it does not last, the pendulum resumes its rhythmic swing. And, in every moment, it is your choice of where to put your focus. The pendulum will swing, no matter how you feel about it.

In every experience of pain or ecstasy, there is a choice point, that moment when you can choose how to act or react, how to feel, how to live. When you review your life, either at the end of it, or along the way, by conscious choice, you will see every choice point, and what your choices were, and you will see the outcomes of every choice, and you will know the route you took to get there. When my brother was awaiting a heart transplant, he began to have conscious awareness of the choice points in his life. He was shown every point where he chose to hurt or help someone, and there was always a choice point. It is not easy to look and see, to know and own, to recognize, experience, accept and love the whole of you.  Your REAL life (Recognize, Experience, Accept and Love).

People talk about mindful living. To live the choice points consciously is mindful living. To love the choice points and the outcomes is heartful living. To forgive yourself and others is emotional living. To know there is nothing to forgive is spiritual living.

ChoicePoints. ChoicePoints. ChoicePoints. What life will you choose? Who and what will you love? How will your path unfold, one choice at a time? It's your Choice Point now, and now, and now.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Season of Love

Today is a specially love charged day for me. I’ve just become a grandmother for the first time. My daughter Andrea and her husband Daniel proudly introduce their beautiful healthy daughter, Alexandra Lynn Gibson, weighing in at 8 lbs, 1 oz who rode in on the wave of Valentine’s Day love but waited until 12:23 pm (eastern time) on Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 so she can have her own birthday focus. The entire family is doing well and trying to get some rest. I have had a psychic relationship with this little girl for many years, and I’m so happy I’ll finally get to meet her in person.

birth announcement 2-15-2014

alexandra lynn gibson 2-15-2014

And, my Facebook friend, world-renowned artist and wise philosopher, Mrinalini Singh posted this today, and it just seemed so appropriate I had to share it.

poem by Mrinalini Singh

So, enjoy the love and share it with everyone in your life.

Happy season of love … Sandy Penny