Saturday, September 10, 2005

Become a Force of Nature - Oct. 7, 2005

with Sandy Penny

Friday, October 7, 7:30 - 9:30 pm - ($22)

(1920 Hollister Rd. * Houston, TX 77080 * phone 713-932-7224)

Sandy has harnessed the power of the elements for the good of earth and humanity for over 30 years. Wisdom taught by multidimensional guides and teachers can help free your energy and move you forward at this very powerful shift time.

Use the energy of Katrina and the other big waves that have changed us so profoundly to create and empower yourself for the life you want to live. Harness the elements on behalf of your mission. It's time to shift into gear, build the future you want and create sacred relationships.

For more info, contact Sandy at

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