Wow, what a question. I can hardly remember. The two years I've been in Taos have really run together. But I'll give it a go to catch you up since I have not posted anything but my recent photos on this site since March 2006.
In October, 2006, I finished my work with Dr. Lerma's stories of people who see angels when they're dying. I then went to work at the front desk for Quality Inn to pay the bills for a while and to consider what's next.
I was also engaged in a big learning relationship with a man in Taos. It took a lot of my time and energy and helped me sort out some childhood issues about my father. However, it is over now.
In January 2007, I went to work for Taos Inn at their front desk. It was very challenging for me, and I left there in July and went back to Houston for a month to rethink my life and whether I wanted to be in Taos. The answer was a resounding yes, so I came back.
I lived for a month with my friend Elizabeth while I got things going again. Then I was asked to manage Santiago's Gallery by my friend and fellow writer, Ron Chavez. While I was in Houston, I had speculated about working at a gallery when I got back to Taos. And, from the first time I met Ron, I knew I would help him market his writing. I had not even read it, but I knew it.
I spent six months working the gallery and writing pr and web content for Ron's book and Santiago's palette knife art. I also helped with the final edits on Ron's book, "Time of Triumph." My article about Ron and his life as a Route 66 icon was just published by Route 66 Magazine this month in their spring issue. The title of the article is "Fat Man and the Phoenix." As soon as I scan it, I'll post it here.
That brings us up to date and answers the question of what happened to 2007? Glad it's over, actually. I'm ready for 2008 and lots of newness.
So long I've been immersed without a word to most of you. My two years in Taos have been powerful personal growth years. I've been learning much about myself in relationships. I've been learning more about how to avoid pitfalls and energy traps, mostly by falling into them and having to extricate myself afterward.
Last years, 2007, was a 9 universal year, a year of endings, completions, decisions about what you want and don't want in your life.
2008 is a universal 1 year. It is about new beginnings, fresh starts, new perspectives and fast track realizations. It is about making commitments that will last for the next 10 years. But, don't despair if new things come and go a bit, clarity does not come in a minute. But, by the end of this year, you will be much clearer about the track you're on.
Most of all, a 1 year is about focusing on yourself, your own healing, your own joy, your own success. It's time to pull your energy back into your own personal creation.
Spirit wants me to remind you that all that you intended to be and do is built into your body. There are time release bubbles within you that open when you're ready for them. There are old body memories that require release and hopefully you did a lot of that work last year.
No matter what the challenges are in your life, you have all the tools within you to meet them, complete them and exceed your wildest expectations. You are no longer fighting the endings that were forcing themselves on you last year. You can now take a deep breath, relax and refocus. There is love, power and joy inside you when you go deeper into your own inner universe and touch base with all that is YOU.
Oneness is the path this year. Recognize how strong you are, what you have survived, and use that energy now to thrive. I ask you again to ask yourself, "what do I love to do?" There is an answer to that question, but don't try to make it up, just ask it over and over and let the answers bubble up from your eternal well of creativity. The first few answers may be surface answers or society's expectations of you, but as you keep asking, new information will arise. The answers may surprise you, or they may remind you of what was there all along. Then, as a new friend of mine said, make a decision based on what bubbles up and feels powerful.
Get a loving friend to listen to the answers as they bubble up. Have them observe what lights you up. Remember, just because you can do something doesn't mean that's what you would "love" to do. You might have to learn a new skill, develop a new talent, get a new job, build a new business. But, if it's truly what you would "love" to do, it will not feel like work. It will bring you such joy that you will relish every moment pursuing it.
Since I've been in Taos, I have not done readings or counseling because I knew I needed to work on my own hidden agendas that were keeping me from my highest and best good and all my heart's and soul's desires. I've been taking the scenic route to do it, but many realizations have surfaced, and I'm now back in forward motion. I still don't feel the need to counsel others. I do feel the need to empower and re-empower them to work on their own issues and follow their bliss. I want playmates that are committed to being their own personal best. It's such a joy to have them in my life.
I have one such playmate in Taos. Her name is Elizabeth. She is an artist and a jazz singer, and she does both really well. And, she is so committed to her own growth. We have wonderful conversations, deep and connected and revealing and honest. I value that so much. And, she has good boundaries, and when mine slip too much, she reminds me that I need to take care of Sandy. I want to remind you all that you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Then you will have the energy to share with others.
And, I remind you that connecting through joy instead of pain is the way to build a life for the future. Those that you connect with through pain will eventually grow away from you or you will grow away from them. When you move into your own joy, it will be almost intolerable to be with the pain of others. It's so easy to get stuck in pain and challenge, and not so easy to move beyond it, especially if you have surrounded yourself with people in pain. I believe this year will offer great joy to those who choose it, focus on it, work toward it and stay with it. Surround yourself with loving, supportive and joyful people.
This is also a year for reestablishing practices that support you. Whatever that is for you. For me, it is meditating, contemplating and writing. What is it for you? Yoga, Tai Chi, dancing, laughing, having parties? WHAT do you LOVE to do? What makes you feel strong, happy and supported? Do it, do it often, do it more. Embrace it.
Well, that's enough for now. It is my intention to share more this year. I hope you're all out there and still wanting to hear from me. I know I want to hear from you.
Also, I just signed up as a writing expert on Check it out for your own services that you offer. I like it.
Have a great 2008 and wonderful new beginnings.
Take a Deep Breath and Have a Wonderful Year!
I was also engaged in a big learning relationship with a man in Taos. It took a lot of my time and energy and helped me sort out some childhood issues about my father. However, it is over now.
In January 2007, I went to work for Taos Inn at their front desk. It was very challenging for me, and I left there in July and went back to Houston for a month to rethink my life and whether I wanted to be in Taos. The answer was a resounding yes, so I came back.
I lived for a month with my friend Elizabeth while I got things going again. Then I was asked to manage Santiago's Gallery by my friend and fellow writer, Ron Chavez. While I was in Houston, I had speculated about working at a gallery when I got back to Taos. And, from the first time I met Ron, I knew I would help him market his writing. I had not even read it, but I knew it.
I spent six months working the gallery and writing pr and web content for Ron's book and Santiago's palette knife art. I also helped with the final edits on Ron's book, "Time of Triumph." My article about Ron and his life as a Route 66 icon was just published by Route 66 Magazine this month in their spring issue. The title of the article is "Fat Man and the Phoenix." As soon as I scan it, I'll post it here.
That brings us up to date and answers the question of what happened to 2007? Glad it's over, actually. I'm ready for 2008 and lots of newness.
So long I've been immersed without a word to most of you. My two years in Taos have been powerful personal growth years. I've been learning much about myself in relationships. I've been learning more about how to avoid pitfalls and energy traps, mostly by falling into them and having to extricate myself afterward.
Last years, 2007, was a 9 universal year, a year of endings, completions, decisions about what you want and don't want in your life.
2008 is a universal 1 year. It is about new beginnings, fresh starts, new perspectives and fast track realizations. It is about making commitments that will last for the next 10 years. But, don't despair if new things come and go a bit, clarity does not come in a minute. But, by the end of this year, you will be much clearer about the track you're on.
Most of all, a 1 year is about focusing on yourself, your own healing, your own joy, your own success. It's time to pull your energy back into your own personal creation.
Spirit wants me to remind you that all that you intended to be and do is built into your body. There are time release bubbles within you that open when you're ready for them. There are old body memories that require release and hopefully you did a lot of that work last year.
No matter what the challenges are in your life, you have all the tools within you to meet them, complete them and exceed your wildest expectations. You are no longer fighting the endings that were forcing themselves on you last year. You can now take a deep breath, relax and refocus. There is love, power and joy inside you when you go deeper into your own inner universe and touch base with all that is YOU.
Oneness is the path this year. Recognize how strong you are, what you have survived, and use that energy now to thrive. I ask you again to ask yourself, "what do I love to do?" There is an answer to that question, but don't try to make it up, just ask it over and over and let the answers bubble up from your eternal well of creativity. The first few answers may be surface answers or society's expectations of you, but as you keep asking, new information will arise. The answers may surprise you, or they may remind you of what was there all along. Then, as a new friend of mine said, make a decision based on what bubbles up and feels powerful.
Get a loving friend to listen to the answers as they bubble up. Have them observe what lights you up. Remember, just because you can do something doesn't mean that's what you would "love" to do. You might have to learn a new skill, develop a new talent, get a new job, build a new business. But, if it's truly what you would "love" to do, it will not feel like work. It will bring you such joy that you will relish every moment pursuing it.
Since I've been in Taos, I have not done readings or counseling because I knew I needed to work on my own hidden agendas that were keeping me from my highest and best good and all my heart's and soul's desires. I've been taking the scenic route to do it, but many realizations have surfaced, and I'm now back in forward motion. I still don't feel the need to counsel others. I do feel the need to empower and re-empower them to work on their own issues and follow their bliss. I want playmates that are committed to being their own personal best. It's such a joy to have them in my life.
I have one such playmate in Taos. Her name is Elizabeth. She is an artist and a jazz singer, and she does both really well. And, she is so committed to her own growth. We have wonderful conversations, deep and connected and revealing and honest. I value that so much. And, she has good boundaries, and when mine slip too much, she reminds me that I need to take care of Sandy. I want to remind you all that you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Then you will have the energy to share with others.
And, I remind you that connecting through joy instead of pain is the way to build a life for the future. Those that you connect with through pain will eventually grow away from you or you will grow away from them. When you move into your own joy, it will be almost intolerable to be with the pain of others. It's so easy to get stuck in pain and challenge, and not so easy to move beyond it, especially if you have surrounded yourself with people in pain. I believe this year will offer great joy to those who choose it, focus on it, work toward it and stay with it. Surround yourself with loving, supportive and joyful people.
This is also a year for reestablishing practices that support you. Whatever that is for you. For me, it is meditating, contemplating and writing. What is it for you? Yoga, Tai Chi, dancing, laughing, having parties? WHAT do you LOVE to do? What makes you feel strong, happy and supported? Do it, do it often, do it more. Embrace it.
Well, that's enough for now. It is my intention to share more this year. I hope you're all out there and still wanting to hear from me. I know I want to hear from you.
Also, I just signed up as a writing expert on Check it out for your own services that you offer. I like it.
Have a great 2008 and wonderful new beginnings.
Take a Deep Breath and Have a Wonderful Year!
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