Showing posts with label metaphysical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metaphysical. Show all posts

Sunday, March 01, 2009

What's that Sickness About?

What’s this Sickness About?

By Sandy Penny

In Taos, and I’ve heard all over the country, people are having terrible respiratory and sinus infections or viruses or some sort. It comes on fast, lasts a couple of weeks, and sometimes even comes back for another round. I had it myself for two weeks, fever, coughing, gunky drainage and general exhaustion. I’m better now, thanks.

What I learned is that this is a symptom of what people are feeling in the U.S. With all the economic difficulties being touted on TV, the challenges laid out for the country, and the relief and fear of major change, no wonder it’s affecting us. Difficulty breathing, releasing toxins, and having to take a break after all the tension. We have been a people living in fear, fear of war, fear of economic loss, and a general malaise. Now, it’s time to let all that go, and the letting go process can result in physical symptoms. It doesn’t have to, but it can. I’m not trying to spread it by talking about it, but sometimes we need confirmation that we are not the only ones experiencing a phenomenon.

The good news is that, once you figure out what's going on, you can begin to shift into a more positive way of releasing those toxins. You can choose exercise, healthy organic cleanse products, and then replenish yourself with positive confirmations, healthy food and supplements, and a good dose of doing what you love.

My latest motto is, “Doing what you love opens the door to magic, and opening the door to magic brings more of what you love.”

Now’s the time to re-vision what you love and take new steps toward that vision. Isn't that interesting, the word revision, a change made is also re-vision, see it differently. Whether you know it or not, you’re living the life you’ve imagined. Perhaps it’s time to consciously choose to imagine something new. One conscious thought picture is more powerful than 100 unconscious thoughts that flood your mind every day.

One of the powerful experiences I had while I was sick was the recognition that I had been countermanding my own confirmations, unconsciously. I realized that the things I had been programming for were not actually what I want. I had been asking for high-paying writing projects. That sounds good, but the truth I have to admit is that I want to be rewarded for my own writing. I’ve always wanted that, that’s my passion, however, I was asking for what I thought would pay the bills. What I thought was acceptable to the world as a way to earn money. Contained in that skewed program is the fear that I can’t be supported through the spiritual writing that I love. I was putting myself in a small, uncomfortable box. During this time, I was offered a technical writing project, and I declined it. I was so proud of myself for declaring what I really want and refocusing my energy on making that happen.

I find, if I’m experiencing a huge aha moment like that, others are too. How about you? Time to reimagine your life? Time to get out of that box? Time to bring back the magic? As my friend, Margarethe Rustan taught me, fear is faith in a negative outcome. Turn that faith around and put it where you really want it.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Locked in Lack?

Confirmations for Money, Abundance and Joy

May 24, 2008 – by Sandy Penny –
Are you locked in lack?
Why do so many wonderful, spiritual people live in lack? The test of whether you are locked in lack is this, do you have everything you truly desire? I’ve considered that question so often for myself, and I’ve come to one pretty clear conclusion. Most of us have old programming that limits us.
I know I’ve had a lot to overcome. I grew up in a family of 10 children, living in a government housing project in a really poor neighborhood in a really poor area of the Midwest . Some old tapes: “No one gets out of the projects.” “A welfare child is a welfare parent.” “Born poor, poor for life.” “Poor people are lazy.” I was immersed in poverty, and it has been a challenge to overcome and move into abundance. Think about the concepts that may be keeping you from your abundance. The first one is thinking that you’re poor, accepting the label.
Have you ever had any of these thoughts or others that are similar?
Rich people are too snooty and self-centered. (Why would you want to be one of them?)
Money is the root of all evil. (Who wants to be evil?)
Spiritual people don’t care anything about money. (If you care about money, you must not be spiritual?)
Truly spiritual people take a vow of poverty. (If you have too many things, you’re not spiritual?)
Poor people are the salt of the earth. (Poor is good? Everyone wants to be good.)
I don’t deserve to be abundant when people are starving. (That’s a biggy in our culture.)
If I’m abundant, if I take too much, someone else suffers. (Fear and lack and self judgment.)
I’m not smart enough or good enough to deserve wealth. (Another big one, low self esteem.)
I’m not as smart as my parents, so how can I exceed their wealth? (A huge internal conflict trying to live up to someone else’s negative expectations.)
Do you think you’re better than those you grew up with? (Guilt trip deluxe. Most of us want to fit in.)
What makes you think you deserve to be rich? (Low self-esteem masquerading as humility.)
Everybody’s having trouble right now. (Getting trapped in the group consciousness. again trying to fit in.)
It’s useless, nothing I do seems to change this. (Stuck in old patterns. This is a very negative proclamation.)
You have to work hard and scratch a living out of this world. (Old tapes, old paradigm.)
It’s only worth it if it was hard to come by. (Ease and flow is a better measure of worth.)
I couldn’t possibly take that gift you want to give me. (Lack masquerading as pride.)
I can’t change who I am, and nothing I do succeeds. (Defeatist cop-out on your Self, sets you up to fail.)
I can’t change the world, it’s too overwhelming and I’m just one person. (Acceptance of your defeat, victim consciousness.)
If God wanted me to be wealthy, He would just give me lots of money or I’d win the lottery. (Absolves you of any responsibility to do anything for yourself. Accepts your lot in life.)
What are your limiting beliefs? (Make a list so you can counter them and burn the list.)
First, I want to say that I’m not in judgment of any of these beliefs if you truly accept and love your life the way it is. These comments are for those who say they want to change their financial situation. You may not even consciously believe your limiting programming, but you may have been subconsciously programmed by your family, church or surroundings. It’s up to you to choose change, to engage what you want to live with and how you want to live in this world.
Ask yourself these questions…
What did my parents say about money or wealth? What was I told about my deservedness? What was I told about my worth? What was the general financial status of those with whom I grew up? What’s the worst thing anyone ever said to me?
These beliefs are deeply ingrained, and may even have been imprinted on you before you were born through the financial stress of your parents. You did not have to be born into poverty or even live in poverty to have a poverty consciousness. Many wealthy people have poverty consciousness in the form of fear of losing their wealth or not trusting people who may steal their money or possessions. The also may lack a sense of self worth. They may even try to hide that lack behind layers of loot.
I think it was Joe Vitale (of the Secret film and long-time friend) who recently asked the question, “Would you go to a movie you hated 1000 times?” Of course not, that would be silly, but when someone says something negative to us about us, we repeat it thousands of times, watching that bad movie in our heads over and over. Is that a good thing? Not so much, and we pay a high price for watching that movie. Give yourself a break and turn off that stupid negative projection that keeps playing itself on auto pilot. How? Read on…
Again - You might want to make a list of the thoughts you have from time to time about money, wealth or the wealthy and then create counteracting confirmations to reprogram yourself. It takes awareness and mindfulness to recognize, admit and overcome financially limiting beliefs. Being defensive and denying that you have them can keep you locked into lack. Now is the time to transcend the issues of the first chakra (survival issues and group consciousness issues, family, church and society).
In order to move into happy healthy relationships (second chakra and heart chakra - love), we have to resolve our first chakra and solar plexus issues (fears of survival and fears of others). Just because something is happening in the general public does not make it a truth, a rule or a law for you. It’s all subjective, and you have to claim your own self-worth and value the contribution you make to this world.
Here’s one that may floor you and be hard to accept… The world DOES owe you a living. If you are here on this planet, this world is what you have to work with. It’s what we have to live from, and you were put here for a purpose, so the world owes us a living just for being here, for just showing up. We now have to figure out how to collect on that debt. There is plenty for us all. We are not taking anything away from anyone else if we are abundant. In fact, the more we have, the more we can share, and the more others become abundant by our example. It’s like the potato chip commercial: eat all you want, we’ll make more. For the conservationists out there, I’m not saying to overindulge in everything. I am saying to pay attention to what you really want and know that having it is OK.

Changing Your Money Karma

Your money karma is determined by what you came here to experience and overcome. All karmic issues offer us the opportunity to overcome them, integrate them and transform them. It works like this, REAL life – Recognize, Experience, Accept and Love. Those are the usual stages we go through if we’re living a REAL life, a conscious spiritual life. Anything less is simply not real, it’s subjective, and everything subjective can be changed. I have an article on REAL life for any who want to request a copy. I’ll email it to you.
Since so many spiritual people have dealt with lack recently, I decided to write and record these confirmations. You can say them yourself, and you can listen to them on your computer whenever you want to. Just play them as often as you feel lack. If you don’t like mine, record your own. It’s easy to do. I am also including some releases for things that may be preventing you from having what you want and need. Some critics say there is too much focus in the “spiritual” community on money, but the real truth is that this is a limiting belief, and it’s time to transcend lack that keeps us locked into poverty or just getting by. When we have plenty, we can easily share with those who are still caught in lack and begin to help them move out of poverty consciousness into their true abundance and joy.
I repeat these confirmations three times in three different ways because that is the minimum it takes to get through to your subconscious. Now, this is new information from my guides - there are three aspects of each confirmation: a statement of being, a love of that state and gratitude for the results. I’ve been using the word confirmation where many people would use affirmation. What’s the difference?
According to
Confirmation: an established truth, accuracy, validity or genuineness; corroborated, verified. To acknowledge with definite assurance. To make valid or binding by some formal or legal act, to sanction or ratify. To make firm or more firm, to add strength to. To strengthen a habit, resolution or opinion. To administer a sacred rite.
Affirmation: The assertion that something exists or is true. A statement or proposition that is declared to be true. Validity of a prior judgment or decision.
A positive statement as if it is true. To uphold or support. To express agreement to.
Which one sounds stronger, more certain and more real? The difference in a confirmation and an affirmation is simply this: a confirmation has three parts, an assertion, an acceptance and gratitude.
You can repeat confirmations as many times as you like, there are no negative side effects. So, for your highest and best good, I give you these confirmations for abundance, prosperity, joy and love…
I release any limiting beliefs within my body, mind and emotions.
I love the freedom of abundant wealth and joy.
I am grateful for the freedom of my abundant wealth and joy.
I always have more than enough.
I love having more than enough.
I am grateful to have more than enough.
I am a money magnet.
I love being a money magnet.
I am grateful to be a money magnet.
I am generous with my wealth.
I love being generous.
I am grateful to have enough wealth to share.
I am healthy, wealthy, compassionate and wise.
I love being healthy, wealthy, compassionate and wise.
I am grateful for my health, wealth, compassion and wisdom.
I am the essence of joy manifest in this world.
I love being joyful.
I am grateful for my abundant joy.
Love flows freely to and from me.
I love the flow of love in my life.
I am grateful for my abundant fountain of love.
I have all the time, money and energy to do whatever brings me joy.
I love having all the time, money and energy to do whatever brings me joy.
I am grateful for all the time, money and energy that bring me abundant joy.
Everywhere I go and everything I do creates money and joy.
I love creating money and joy.
I am grateful for the money and joy in my life.
I live in a positive flow of love, joy and abundance.
I love living in the positive flow of love, joy and abundance.
I am grateful for the positive flow of love, joy and abundance in my life.
I am a gift to this world and I deserve prosperity, love and joy.
I love being a gift to this world and the prosperity, love and joy that is my heritage.
I am grateful for the gift that I am, the gifts that I have and the gifts I give to the world.
I share all that I am and all that I have.
I love sharing all that I am and all that I have.
I am really grateful for the joy of sharing all that I am and all that I have.
I radiate love, joy and abundance of all good things.
I love radiating love, joy and abundance of all good things.
I am grateful to be a radiant, loving, joyful and abundant presence on this planet.
I am surrounded by loving, supportive people who help me accomplish my goals.
I love all the loving supportive people who help me accomplish my goals.
I am grateful to all the loving supportive people who help me accomplish my goals.
Money rushes to me in all forms from all directions in unexpected and delightful ways.
I love that money rushes to me in all forms from all directions in unexpected and delightful ways.
I am grateful for all the money that rushes to me in all forms from all directions in unexpected and delightful ways.
I am rich.
I love being rich.
I am grateful for all my riches.
I am a divine conduit of unconditional love.
I love sharing my unconditional love.
I am grateful for all the unconditional love in my life.
I celebrate life and see the joy in every experience.
I love joyful celebration.
I am grateful for all my joyful celebrations of life.
I am in love, living in the midst of love and joy.
I love being in love and living in the midst of love and joy.
I am grateful to be in love and living in the midst of love and joy.
Everything good that I think, say and live manifests abundantly.
I love experiencing everything good that I think, say and live as it manifests abundantly.
I am grateful that everything good that I think, say and live manifests abundantly.
I invoke my highest and best good and the highest and best good of everyone in my life.
I love my highest and best good and the highest and best good of everyone in my life.
I am so grateful for my highest and best good and the highest and best good of everyone in my life.
All my relationships are based in love and joy.
I love my relationships that are based in love and joy.
I am really grateful that all my relationships are based in love and joy.
I declare what I want.
I accept what I receive.
I love what manifests.
I am grateful for all that I declare, accept and love.
And so it is.
I love it all.
Thanks to me.
Thanks to you.
Thanks to the planet for the stage on which we live and move and have our being.
Thanks to the Universe for the methods of manifestation.
And, thanks to the one power who creates it all and holds open the doors for the abundant flow of love, joy and prosperity.
And so it is. And so it ever shall be. And I am truly grateful.