Saturday, September 24, 2005

Winds of Change - Focus on The Future

For general distribution with credit to the author:
Sandy Penny, Houston, TX,

It's just after noon on Saturday in Houston after Rita hit the Gulf Coast. As promised by my guides, I was spared the brunt of the storm. In fact, we had a worse storm than this a week or two ago which is normal for Houston. There was no lightning, some wind but not terrible, and the rain was intermittent. The sun is now coming out some, off and on. All is well.

But that's not why I'm posting this right now. The reason is that with 2.5 million people out of the Houston area right now, this is a great time to focus love and easy changes here. I can feel how clear the energy is with the people gone and the wind blowing through. It's wonderful, really.

It was explained by my guides that both these storms were born in Virgo, and that they were clearing old karma and revitalizing the Gulf Coast energy. Katrina was born in Virgo and delivered in Virgo. She was about clearing old patterns. Rita was born in Virgo but delivered in Libra. It is about restoring the balance and implementing change.

So much was learned in this process about our systems and ability to handle a crisis, and much of it needs big improvement. So much was restated about the good hearted people here and the help they offer each other in times of need. It really is a friendly, caring, open-hearted city. We hosted 250,000 refugees of Katrina from Lousiana, and we shared our resources with them and helped them have the time and space to make decisions about their future. Many of them are changing their lives for the better, and that's what this is about. Change for the better.

It is time for all of us to rethink our lives and ask ourselves the hard questions. Are we, as individuals, happy with what we're living and creating on this planet - in our own lives. We have to stop looking at the systems outside ourselves and ask if we're doing any better on a personal level than our systems are doing on a public level. Our systems are only a reflection of what we do and allow in our lives. If we give up and give our power to others, then we have no viable reason to complain about what they do. We have to take personal responsibility (response-ability) for ourselves and our friends and families, and then our systems will begin to reflect that. If we get caught in greed, our systems reflect greed. If we are stuck, our systems are stuck. Conversely, if we are loving and helpful, our systems can be loving and helpful. If we're angry, we get anger.

Take a good hard look at yourself and your life as you have lived it. If there is anything that you want to change or do differently, this is the time to do it. The free energy of change is available to us all right now. It's not just for the areas being hit by waves of change. This planet is a single unit, and we are all one with it and dependant on it. Don't get caught in victim consciousness or feeling powerless. We can make changes if we truly want to, and now is the time to make that commitment.

Ooooh, what a scary word, commitment. I recently complained that a friend of mine was unable to make a commitment, and doing my own process with why I was experiencing that, I found that there were important areas in which I have not made a commitment. For a while, I lost my trust and faith in Spirit providing for me. I took the reigns from Spirit and drove myself into the corporate world, trusting that it would take care of my day-to-day needs. And it did for a while, but then it fell off, my writing projects went away, and money got very tight. I felt squeezed by financial commitments, and I went deeper into the corporate world (which can be right for some people, just not for me).

On examining my life, I found that I am happiest, most fulfilled and most taken care of when I'm doing my spritual work. When I commit to it, it commits to me. So, I pulled my energy out of the corporate structure and placed it back into my spiritual path. That's when the Ozarks project showed up, and the vision of it was there all along, and it existed long before I made the connection with it. I was slowing down my own process. And Spirit does not judge the decision we make, so if we choose to ignore our guidance and commit to something else, Spirit lets us do that (except in extreme cases where we need to make a change for a particular reason instantly, and we're in resistance, then Spirit may move it for us, but not usually). We have to get in alignment with our highest and best good. We are like sailboats, we have to hoist our sales and place ourselves in the path of the wind to be carried along by Spirit. So, what is it that you need to commit to? What is it that brings your joy? Where is your passion? What have you hidden from yourself that needs to be expressed?

And, speaking of hiding, I recently judged a friend as hiding things from others, and doing my own process on it, realized that I was hiding my spiritual life from the general public. I have always known that I needed to go into a larger venue with the information I bring through from Spirit, but I have intentionally kept it small because I did not want to deal with judgement of the masses. I had a separate website for my business writing and my spiritual writing because I didn't want businesses to judge me due to my beliefs and not give me work. Now, I am committed to integrating my spiritual writing into my WritingMuse site, and creating a whole life for myself. Those who would judge my beliefs are not people I want to work with. And, it's probably more of a non-issue than I think. It's my own fear at work separating me from my wholeness and my joy and passion.

I want to call to your attention to the process I've been going through and always choose to go through. It's a process of spiritual analysis. If I am judging others, then I am seeing something in them that I don't like in myself. I may not know that or even want to know it at the time, but it is true, nonetheless. If I examine myself to look for that piece within me, I can heal it and move out of judgement, and the experience changes outside of me. When I change inside, my outside experience changes. It may take a while to reflect back appropriately, but it does change.

I would like all of you to focus positive energy on Houston and the surrounding areas that were more affected by the storm, and then to focus on the storm in your own life and see what changes you are being called to make, if any. Where are you being asked to amp up the energy for yourself? This is so great. The scenarios are abundant, wonderful, and so beautiful.

Claim your power and express it and share it with the world. It's time to go. It's time to take advantage of this window of opportunity to let the fresh air blow through your life and the whole world.

Peace, joy and gentle changes.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Trickster - Rita - Part 2

On October 7, I'm scheduled to do a ceremony and class on "Become a Force of Nature." I guess I'm being offered an initiation of becoming a force of nature for myself. Tonight I'm meditating on the storm and sending it love to reduce its force and anger. This is the second hurricance that was born in Virgo. Wow, is she p.o.'d.

It's a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate my faith and trust of my guides and the divine source to provide ease and flow in my life. My friend Claire had a vision of me a couple of days ago surfing the big waves. I was on the surfboard having a great time, and she was under the water. I reached down and pulled her out, and she realized she too had a surfboard, so she began surfing with me. We surfed right up to the sandy shore and stepped off our boards before they even stopped. We were celebrating our accomplishments. I love that vision. And on the way home from sharing it with another friend, I saw a pickup truck with two surfboards in the back. I laughed at my guides' obvious cosmic joke. Life is so full of magic if we're paying attention.

Tonight, I'm a little over-revved with hurricane Rita energy, but I had a nice glass of wine so I'll sleep well and be ready to focus tomorrow. I will do so much work tonight in dreamtime to make sure the most populated areas are safe.

My guides are fond of asking me, "Are you willing to create a small disaster to avoid a larger one?" I'm practiced in it now, and I hope to accomplish it once again. I feel confident about being safe. I feel excited to be a part of this major shift in energy for the Aquarian Age. But I am an "ease and flow" girl. We don't have to do this the hard way if we release our fears and accept the changes with grace and equanimity.

It's 11:20 Houston time, and I'm heading to bed.

Good night, sweet drams and safe journeys.

I love you all, whether we've met or not.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane Rita - The Trickster

From: Sandy Penny, (Houston, TX)
for general distribution with credit to the author...

I am weighing in officially on my prediction for the hurricane and tracking it by this posting. I live in Houston, and I do not believe the hurricane will directly hit Galveston, although I do believe there will be damage there. I do not believe Houston will have significant damage from winds or flooding. I do believe that the direct hit will be lower in the Gulf - closer to northern Mexico/Brownsville, TX.

I see that the land is parched there and needs a good drenching, and this is Rita's mission, to bring back the greenery to the brown baked areas in lower Texas and upper Mexico. So, we'll know soon enough, but this is being posted on Wednesday evening at 9:25 pm Houston time. I recommend making any preparations that seem prudent, but still I want to celebrate on Sunday when we know everything is great. We'll have a great big Rita party.

Here's an e-mail I shared last night - Tuesday night 09/20/2005

I have responded to many phone calls tonight about the projected trajectory of
Hurricane Rita, and I think we can all help make this a more positive event in
advance of it hitting.

I asked my multi-dimensional guides what the highest and best vision is that I can focus on for this hurricane, and I was told that the Mexican desert needs the rain, and that hurricanes, in addition to being the clearer of paths, are meant to significantly shift weather patterns so that areas that need the rain get it.

We, as powerful beings on this planet and project managers with the angels and
elementals can direct the path of the weather. I know it sounds pretty crazy, but I have a great deal of experience with this. And since I am being given this information in advance of landfall, I ask each of you to subdue your fears and harness this energy and direct it toward the areas that need the rain.

Use whatever your usual techniques are. If you pray, then pray that the rain will be useful and helpful where rain is really needed, particularly in the desert areas. If you talk to the angels, ask them to assist with this that it not harm people or animals and that it replenish the earth with its life giving water. If you visualize, see it moving south of its current trajectory (it has already dropped significantly below Houston on the tracking predictions since this afternoon). Envision its power dissipating to 1 and it being very beneficial to the places that need more water.

It's time to ride the big waves and to accept that we can contribute to earth events through mindful emotional directives. Breathe in your fear and breathe out love and positive energy.

Houston was an initial target because of all the natural fears concentrated here with the Katrina refugees and their families and those who are not yet surfing this powerful wave of energy. So, gather together (especially those of you who are not going to be affected by this hurricane, those in other parts of the world or country) and see the beautiful outcome for all concerned.

Don't be drawn into the fearful projections. Just breathe them in and breathe out a transformed vision of it. I know we can do this. I have experience with it. All of you on Norfolk Island know that we can change the weather from the experiences we shared there. See the hurricane transformed into a vortex in the desert, drawing the rain clouds there regularly and turning it into a green land once again.

Thank you all in advance for the powerful visions I know you will hold and the powerful prayers I know you will pray and great good wishes I can already feel from you. And, any of you who have groups that meet tomorrow, call this forth in your group, knowing that where two or more are gathered for the good of the whole, there is love and power and manifestation.

Wishing you all love, light and gentle loving winds of change.

P.S.: I am riding the big waves myself right now, on Nov. 1, I am leaving on the first leg of my new vision quest, to check out a retreat center in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. It matches a vision I saw 15 years ago and that has been prevalent and amped up for me since June this year. A wonderful woman named Bettina has invited me to come and help, and we'll decide what all we can do together as we explore it together. There will be opportunities for others to help build this center if the vision touches your heart and soul. Know, once again, that this is the time of the manifestation and remember what it is that you want to manifest. It's such a powerful time, and you are such powerful people, all of you, whether you feel it or not. Make good use of it right now. It's time to go.


Saturday, September 10, 2005

Become a Force of Nature - Oct. 7, 2005

with Sandy Penny

Friday, October 7, 7:30 - 9:30 pm - ($22)

(1920 Hollister Rd. * Houston, TX 77080 * phone 713-932-7224)

Sandy has harnessed the power of the elements for the good of earth and humanity for over 30 years. Wisdom taught by multidimensional guides and teachers can help free your energy and move you forward at this very powerful shift time.

Use the energy of Katrina and the other big waves that have changed us so profoundly to create and empower yourself for the life you want to live. Harness the elements on behalf of your mission. It's time to shift into gear, build the future you want and create sacred relationships.

For more info, contact Sandy at

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Katrina - Our Crisis is Our Birth

Labor Day 2005 – Birthing a New World
By Sandy Penny, Houston, TX
For General Distribution with Credit to the Author

I have spent most of this week dealing with those who have been traumatized by the events associated with Hurricane Katrina, and they are all asking what is the meaning of all this. I have spent a lot of time meditating on that subject this week, in the midst of my own semi-crazy mindset. I called all my energy back to me and focused on the highest and best vision I can see as the outcome. Keep in mind the name Katrina means holy and pure and virginal.

As many of you know, for more than a year now, I have been talking about the big waves of energy that are being released from the crystal structures within the planet. These waves of energy are clearing the way for the re-creation of this planet for the Aquarian Age, and some of them come with devastating instant changes. As I mentioned recently, the onset of Aquarian Age energy is that water and wind wash away old Piscean structures and clear the karma of old Piscean hierarchies, powers and controls. The tsunami was one of those waves, and it released a large number of souls who are returning to the planet as crystal children.

I personally met my first crystal child today, one of the early ones. He was amazing, so wise and so aware and so powerful in the knowledge of what he is here to do. It was an honor to meet him, and a fulfillment of my own connection for him to sit down at my table at a psychic fair and begin talking with me the way Jesus must have talked with the Rabbis in the temple. He had no guilt or apology for his wisdom. He wasn’t feeling weird the way we all used to when we talked about our spiritual paths. And he carried such joy within him that his smile communicated a wonderful feeling that gave me chills. His name was Aaron which means high mountain and exalted one. I welcome the hundreds of thousands of souls like him that are arriving in new crystal child bodies and bringing with them the wisdom that will change this world forever. It is a true blessing, and we should be grateful to all those who gave their lives in order to return for that mission.

Now back to Katrina, the holy pure virgin. The land in the United States South has had many traumas, many atrocities, and many prejudices. As this land has been flooded, all those negative earth body memories are coming to the surface for review and healing. The winds of change have arrived with raw emotions, and some people are feeling and responding to the old Piscean Age energies of power and control, fear and anger, and hierarchy and structure. A great deal of fear is up for many people. We are now ready to release the last vestiges of our prejudice and fear of those who are different from us. Some people are protesting vehemently and bringing up references to their old pain. Some are turning violent, and many, many of us are feeling the wave in the group consciousness so strongly that we are exhibiting physical symptoms. Head colds and respiratory infections are signals that you have body memories and old karma with prejudice and fear of those who are different.

The way we all can help transform this energy and to make it less painful is to breathe deeply into our hearts and say something like:

You who are the Source of all Power, who illuminates the whole world, illuminate this painful situation and transform it into love, acceptance, compassion, and the embracing of diversity and other cultures. Illuminate my heart, my mind and my body that I can be a part of this transformation and illuminate all those who are in pain that they can make the changes that will transform that pain into love and action.

Over ten years ago I saw a vision of large numbers of people moving around the country and the world to create new communities, to build new societies, to transform cultures into a more positive expression of love, creativity and joy. I could not see how those things could happen, especially in such a short time frame, but since 911, the tsunami and now Katrina, I see how these things can happen very quickly. And what looks like a disaster right now can be the first step in that creation.

The darkest hour is just before the dawn. This is the dawning, the birthing, a labor of love. Make this Labor Day your day of love and help transform the world into the one you’d like to see. Do not allow yourself to get lost in the frazzled astral fears and your first chakra survival issues. Call your energy back into your body and infuse it with change, love and acceptance. Move into sacred relationship with everyone in your life. It’s an act of faith and an act of magic.

You are all so powerful and so beautiful, and I know you want this as much as I do. Join me in seeing the highest and best outcome for this huge transformational energy.

May light and love and power restore the plan on earth.

And so it is.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Ethics in Spiritual Teaching

Today I was really disappointed by one of the spiritual institutions in Houston and how it treated someone who was not only donating the money from their classes but offering a service to the community.

Two friends of mine (Sue and Eddie) started an NLP study group at this organization. Their intention was to bring people together who wanted to study a book on NLP and work through the program outlined in it and apply it to their personal challenges. This was on a love donation basis, and all the funds were donated back to this organization except for $1 per person each week to cover handouts.

After two weeks of the classes, my friend had an opportunity to go out to California and study the NLP teachings and be certified to teach. Her intention was to learn what she could and bring it back to those who could not afford the California program and offer it on a love donation basis which again would be donated to the organization. While Sue was gone, Eddie, who actually suggested the group in the first place, would serve as a facilitator using the exercises and handouts they had created from the book.

As fate would have it, the first week after Sue left, an NLP Master showed up at the class, and volunteered to share his knowledge. Eddie, being the kind of person he is, invited him to do that. Everyone liked the NLP instructor, but Sue and I had a problem with the ethics of walking into another person's group and taking it over. No one else seemed to think it was ethically wrong, but I did and still do. I would not do that because I know how difficult it is to get the courage to teach, and how much preparation and effort goes into preparing for a group each week. I would respectfully have declined to lead the group and would have shared that I also teach and have great respect for those who offer their time and wisdom.

A couple of weeks went by, and I attended a group just to see how it was going. I found Eddie doing a fine job of coordinating the materials, the lessson plan left by Sue and honoring the NLP instructor's contributions - quite a juggling act. I enjoyed the whole class, but the least of it for me was the NLP instructor's participation. Overall, it was a great experience.

Sue returned from California for a few days before leaving again to take Master's Training (which she would also have shared with the group). While she was here, several people from the class sat with her and discussed Eddie continuing to conduct the class, and they agreed to support him in the process.

Three days later, members of the organization showed up at the class, took a vote and handed the class over to the NLP instructor. They ousted Eddie publicly, embarrassed and humiliated him, and reinforced his mistrust of groups that he was trying to heal. It was very sad for me to see that.

Why couldn't they have called Sue and Eddie and discussed it with them? Sue was available by telephone even though she was in California, and Eddie was certainly available. Why didn't they take Eddie aside and ask him to step down. Why didn't they set up a new class taught by the NLP instructor (which I suggested to one of the organization)? Why didn't that NLP instructor protest this poor treatment of a fellow facilitator? Why did a member of the organization say three days earlier that he would support Eddie when he obviously already planned this coup? Why didn't any of them think about their own karma for mistreating someone so publicly? Didn't they even think of the spiritual reputation of the organization?

I have severed my ties with this "spiritual" organization where I speak regularly because I value the contributions that students and facilitators make to spiritual growth. I hold a high ethical standard for myself in the way I treat others as a teacher, and I ask for ethical treatment of those who attend my classes. I also have a strong protective Leo nature for my friends and fellow teachers. If it were not for my own ethics and values, I'd be naming names right now.

This was pack mentality at its worst, in a spiritual setting, and I am deeply saddened by it.

It's my last tie with the Houston metaphysical/spiritual community.
Time for me to be moving on. Time to graduate, lessons learned.

Tearfully for all those who have been humiliated in public - Sandy Penny

Friday, July 08, 2005

Interesting Times...

The last week has been quite interesting and challenging for me. Right after the Solstice/Full Moon Labyrinth Walk, many confrontational situations came up for me, and I mean right after. The struggle to bring the two elements into harmony was not as gentle as I would have hoped for me. By the time I got home from the ceremony, I had phone messages and e-mails that challenged my balance.

And, I must say, I'm very happy with the way I handled them. In each case, I found the right thing to say to diffuse the situation and get to the heart of it. Instead of immediately reacting as I would have, I tried to see what good could come of each confrontation, and I learned a lot. And, I'm happy to say that abated quickly, so I must have gotten what I needed from it.

Then Sunday a friend and I took a very nice spontaneious trip to Galveston, spent time on the seawall, listened to the music he created, and had a lovely dinner at Landry's Seafood looking out on the water. It was an unexpectedly wonderful day. However, sometime in the night I began to feel physically unwell. The next morning I was feeling really bad, and it was followed by an entire day of clearing my body of everything from both ends. Yuck!

There are two theories on what happened. One is that I had food poisoning, that's the third dimensional reality. On a cosmic level, I woke up feeling bad in the night at the exact time the NASA proble smashed into the Tempel 1 Comet. I have a particular affinity with the word and concept Temple, even when they spell it Tempel, and I believe there was a huge metaphor in smashing into this particular comet and the state of aggression among religious factions on this planet. It would not be the first time, nor the last that I have been in alignment with planetary turbulence. I got sick right before the Tsunami hit, and I had a relapse of my "food poisoning" this week on July 7, 2005 (which numerically equals 777, a very mystical number) when the trains were blown up in London. I had a similar physical processing of the 911 events.

We are very connected to what happens in our world and in the universe, more connected than we even know or can imagine. We have to really understand and accept the concept of "everything is one" to realize that what we do to others we do to ourself. The Golden Rule says it, "Do unto others as you would that they do unto you." It's not a platitude, it's a truth that reveals that what we do to others we do to ourself. Everything is one.

Anyway, it has been eventful, but good in the long run. I've cleared out my body, detoxed my caffeine and alcohol for a week, and started to think about what my body really needs. And that's something I haven't considered enough lately.

Have a great weekend... Sandy Penny, WritingMuse.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Ascension to the Balance of Male/Female

Summer Solstice – Full Moon Marriage of the Male and Female within.
An ascension process.

Tuesday night, June 21, 2005 was the summer solstice and full moon. It was the night of the Marriage of the Male and Female within.

It is rare when both the Sun and Moon are at their greatest power at the same time, so we were privileged to participate in a powerful union of the archetypal male and female energies, and benefit from what is ignited and what is received and embraced. This is also a time when there is a great alignment that supports and represents the exact ceremony we were conducting. That is the alignment of three planets which are now visible is a straight line on the Western horizon at dusk – Saturn (the dark and hidden aspects within us), Venus (the heart, the earth, love), and Mercury (the messenger, communication). At this time, we reach into our hearts and recover what we have buried, restore what we have denied and embrace what we have hidden from ourselves. In order to benefit from this energy, we must choose to receive it. This is the time of choosing.

We are also challenged to recognize and own that the Sun is not what changes how much light and energy we receive. It is the earth on which we live and move and have our being that turns its face toward and away from our one source of light, love and power, and it is the earth that moves closer and further away in its orbit around the source who is always present, always available. Many people call the Earth “Mother,” however the Earth is a wise and balanced being who knows the value of both genders, a being of perfect duality, the manifestation born of light and dark, male and female, active and receptive, action and rest, creation and gestation.

The earth is our example for perfect love and perfect balance for us as individual expressions of oneness to emulate. The earth turns its face away from the source of light, action and growth, not because it forgets that the Sun is always available, not because it rejects or judges the Sun, but because rest, reception, gestation must rightly occur for a full expression of its highest and best good. We humans sometimes forget that the light is always available to us. We are the ones who move away from the light and judge ourselves as imperfect for doing so. And we are also the ones who subject ourselves to too much sunlight, and then become overstimulated or burned by it, resulting in anger and judgement.

We are challenged to recognize the rightness of being in our darkness and embracing it as a cycle that contributes to our health, completion and oneness. The Full Moon reminds us of those cycles and calls us into the dark to receive, gestate and integrate. We are called to stop judging ourselves for having our light and dark times, our active and passive times, our growing and resting times. The Earth is not at war with the environment in which it lives, the natural cycles that sustain it. It does not judge the darkness or the light. It embraces each in its proper time, and the Earth does not struggle to hold onto the light when the darkness is upon its face. And in this natural acceptance there is harmony. This is our example, our greatest teacher.

This cycle happens to the earth and to us every day. We exchange energy back and forth between the male and female, the active and the passive, the giver and the receiver within us moment to moment with every choice we make. If we Recognize, Experience, Accept and Love this natural process, we activate our REAL life. Recognize, Experience, Accept and Love – REAL life. That’s what it means to get REAL. We can choose to stop the war inside, to honor the male and female and to declare a marriage of the opposing forces that keep us from our divine passion, joy and the highest expression of our true selves.

Honoring the Male and Female aspects through each chakra:

Bring the energy through yourself from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet as you repeat the honoring of all these elements within you…Speak the words from your heart – Feel the words radiate their power inside you. Own your wholeness.

The Crown
Male to Female: I honor your Stillness and Divine Openness
Female to Male: I honor your Active pursuit of Divine Flow

Male to Female: I honor your Boundless Potential
Female to Male: I honor your Magical Actions

The 3RD Eye
Male to Female: I honor your Expansive Vision
Female to Male: I honor your Focused Intention

Male to Female: I honor your Ability to See All Sides of an Issue
Female to Male: I honor your Ability to Define the Details

The Throat
Male to Female: I honor your Encouraging Words
Female to Male: I honor your Ability to Speak Your Truth

Male to Female: I honor your Beautiful Music and Song
Female to Male: I honor your Powerful Voice of Authority

The Heart
Male to Female: I honor your Unconditional Love
Female to Male: I honor your Loving Expectations

Male to Female: I honor your Nurturing Spirit & Compassion
Female to Male: I honor your Courage and Strength

Solar Plexus
Male to Female: I honor your Creative Ideas and Inspiration
Female to Male: I honor your Problem Solving Mastery

Male to Female: I honor your Acceptance of All People
Female to Male: I honor your Discernment and Boundaries

Sacral Chakra
Male to Female: I honor your vulnerability & deepest emotions
Female to Male: I honor your protective nature

Male to Female: I honor your fertility, sensuality and trust
Female to Male: I honor your passion and sexual freedom

Root Chakra
Male to Female: I honor your innocence and idealism
Female to Male: I honor your manifesting skills

Male to Female: I honor your community spirit and family commitment
Female to Male: I honor your ability to negotiate & get what you want

Life-Earth Grounding & Anchoring
Male to Female: I honor your ability to receive gratefully
Female to Male: I honor your ability to make it happen

Male to Female: I honor your patience and constant presence
Female to Male: I honor your stability and structure

Male to Female: I honor your inclusive acceptance of life
Female to Male: I honor your discrimination and goals


This is the wedding, the ascension of Yin and Yang, the male and female within you. We call together all the men and women who have interacted with us and touched our lives through all time, space and dimensions to acknowledge our ONENESS, to declare harmony within and without.

Each I AM statement adds to the invocation of oneness. Notice your reactions as you say each I am for yourself. If you find resistance, examine it and correct the statement to reflect your wholeness.

I AM both male and female and capable of honoring my wholeness!

I AM the perfect manifestation of a loving divine mother and father!

I AM ready to express the highest and best of all the male and female attributes within me!

I AM ready to stop judging myself and others!

I AM capable of recognizing and embracing my true power through the blending of my heart and mind!

I AM ready to love myself unconditionally and share that love with others!

I AM honoring the needs of all the diverse elements within me!

I AM ready to embrace and live my own perfect life!

I AM open to receiving and generating divine flow!

I AM aware of a greater vision while focusing my personal intention!

I AM willing to look at all sides of an issue while paying attention to the details!

I AM offering gentle encouragement while speaking my truth!

I AM nurturing myself as I take courageous steps in my life!

I AM embracing creative ideas and inspiration to help solve challenges!

I AM embracing diversity while I choose my greater good!

I AM feeling deeply while setting boundaries!

I AM trusting and sensual in expressing my passion and sexual freedom!

I AM honoring the community as I make it happen!

I AM receiving with gratitude while giving generously to others!

I AM inclusive and accepting while I build and manifest!

I AM one with the sun, the moon and the earth, the universe!

I AM in Love – living in the midst of love!

By the power I have chosen to place in me,
and by the power I have claimed for myself
and in the blazing radiance and passion of the Sun,
and in the fertile, creative potential of the void,
and through the dynamic expression of the Earth,
I now pronounce myself THE ONE.

I AM truly THE ONE!
So it is! So it ever shall be. Arisen - Ascended - Complete!

If you have personal vows, commitments or affirmations to offer on your own behalf, write them down and repeat them!

These vows being heard, acknowledged and accepted by this gathering within myself and by the universe at large, I now declare this ceremony complete.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Invocation of Passion

Marriage of the Male and Female Within

Summer Solstice, Full Moon, Labyrinth Walk

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
- 7:30 pm
Place: Carmel Temple Labyrinth (
-------- South Houston, Texas
Cost: Love Donation

Last week I meditated and had a chat with the personified male and female within me. I explained to them that I have some needs that are not being well met, and I would like their help to change that situation. Having already established a working relationship with them, it was easy to come to some terms. I agreed to dress more femininely to satisfy my feminine side's need for honoring. And I agreed to honor the men who come into my life as representatives of my male side. In exchange for this conscious activity of honoring, I would be rewarded with a spiritual writing project that financially supports me, and a relationship with a man that is for my highest and best good and my great joy and pleasure.

The very next day, things began to shift for me. A new man showed up on my life, and I am determined to honor him. and fully explore what we have to offer each other, even if it's only friendship. Also my male side agreed to stop being so critical of every person and situation that shows up that is brought in by my female side.

It sounds simple and maybe a little silly, but the agreement creates intention, the intention creates action, and action creates results. It's amazing what a different feeling I have after doing this process.

As a result of that discussion, I began considering the ceremony for the Summer Soltice, Full Moon Labyrinth Walk, and I asked Jim Miles, a long-time friend of mine to join me in creating a ceremony that would truly express the marriage of the male and female within and that would honor the traditions associated with the natural cycles of the sun and moon at this time of the year. Since he had just written an article for the Indigo Sun on the Summer Soltice, he agreed that it would be a good thing to do. I'm not surehe understood all he signed up for. It's a big process for him that he didn't even know he was taking on.

We met at Onion Creek in the Heights of Houston for coffee Saturday morning and began to formulate the plan for the ceremony. He was a bit perplexed about how we would accomplish such a feat and what would come from it. We planned to include an honoring of the male and female with him honoring the Moon and the feminine as the yielding male (the sun now at its most powerful on the longest day of the year yields to the feminine which begins to grow in power until the shortest day of the year in December. And I would honor the sun as male in all it power and radiant magnificence.

But we realized something else, the true cycles that we experience are centered not in the sun and moon, but in the earth and its rotation on its axis and its orbit around the sun. We often experience the polarity of the male and female within us as chaotic or combative, but if we observe the greater cycle we live in on this planet, we see that light and dark are not at war, but complement each other, and move effortlessles from one to the other every day in the cycles of light and dark, giving and receiving, activity and rest, ebb and flow, birth and gestation. So, the model we have for the exchange of energy between man and woman (male and female energies) is one of ease that complements each other and creates wholeness.

The marriage of the male and female within will be a psychodrama (a ritual) that balances the duality within us and creates our own internal cycle of harmony, honoring and life beyond struggle. Think what the world would be like if we recognized ourselves as being in harmony with this greater cycle, the gender war would cease, and we would all empower ourselves to use the energies and the tools that are naturally ours to create a perfect creative exchange from our wholeness. And, the outer world reflecting the inner world so perfectly would relax into this cosmic rhythm, yin and yang, light and dark, action and rest, creation and gestation.

If you are ready to cease the struggles within you and create a more peaceful, loving place for yourself in this world, it's time to be the change you want to see. This ceremony could be the first step in making a commitment to your future, your peace, yourself, and from that wholeness and place of balance, you might create the perfect relationship outside yourself, a reflection of all you hold dear, a reflection or your cosmic loving perfection.

This is your invitation to join me and Jim Miles on this journey to wholeness.

Peace - Sandy Penny - the writingmuse.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Missing in Action

It's been a while since I wrote anything for my blog, almost a month. I started doing some work for Art Squad, and it has kept me busy. I also went to my daughter's graduation from college. I'm so proud of her. She graduated cum laude, national honor society and got awards for her honors thesis. All in all, a great performance. It was beautiful weather too. Nice to get out of town.

I finally just started redoing my business writing site. My friend Thomas Dorsch, a wonderful artist and graphic/web designer ( is creating a great site for me. I've been immersed today in sorting out my samples. When I get started on them, I find I have many more than I remember. I'd hire me if I were looking for a writer. I've been so immersed I haven't even eaten today.

Oh well, I just wanted to sayI haven't abandoned my site. More to come.
