Monday, December 08, 2008
Now for Something Completely Different
Also, to see my new project, go to and, there's a great new post just below this one - Prosperity Through Generosity, The Forgotten Path to Abundance.
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WINGS will be a regular posting on the Emerging Earth Angels web site…very similar to the energy alerts of the past. It will contain information that is relevant and currently pertinent to where we are in our evolutionary process as angels of the New Earth. It differs from the energy alerts in that it will not contain information about what is occurring on the planet (although at times some of these occurrences will be briefly mentioned if they pertain to our process). WINGS will be very focused on you (or rather us)….what our new roles are, how we will implement them, who we are, what we are here to contribute, and how this process is unfolding for all of us.
We have recently completed a vital part of our evolutionary process here on planet Earth. In times past, we knew at some place deep within us, that we were here for a vital and important purpose. Simply being present here on the planet was purpose enough, as holding more light and vibrating higher served its’ own purpose all in itself. This purpose of times past involved raising the vibration of the planet, as we had decided as a group of souls to wrap things up here, to leave all our past “incarnations” behind from eons of times ago, to let it all go, and thus begin the process of creating a very new and pristine planet Earth before we moved on to a very new universe that we had yet to experience.
This involved taking on many lower and more densely vibrating energies in order to transmute them through ourselves, becoming intentional “healers,” and striving at times to serve, lift up, and change the planet.
The first phase is now complete. We have taken things as far as they can go. We have infused our light, our energy, and much else of ourselves into an old world and brought it up to a very new level. We are now done.
How has this “being done” manifested in our lives? We may feel very lost, no longer know what our roles are and what our identity is, we may feel that we have nothing to tap into or hold onto anymore, we may feel like we are “floating” or simply hanging in a space of no space, or perhaps even feel useless with nothing to offer and nowhere left to go.
We may wonder what all this ascension stuff was ever about anyway. We may wonder if it was even real, if it made a difference at all, or perhaps if it was just one big joke. We may find that all we thought that we had learned is not happening at all or has even disappeared entirely. We may wonder if we were just going through some strange stage that is now over or maybe we just grew up. And we may even wonder if we have indeed gone backwards and are now living in an old reality where no higher ways, experiences, or energies exist at all.
This is normal. These feelings arise because our old roles are over now. And these old roles are all we have known in this current reality up until now. These feelings are common for ascension and are only temporary.
We may also feel that whenever we go “out there,” all we seem to encounter are strange energies of a lower vibrating nature with a strong sense of “dis-connect,” staleness, flatness, and a two dimensional theme…while at the same time we are also experiencing new connections that feel oh so much better. We may feel that there is not a story that we are a part of. There is no book that we are characters within.
Part of this process involved a reeling in of all the places where we had infused our energy in the past. We had to “take back” ourselves from wherever we had treaded and spread our energies. This is because we could no longer use our natural light to bring up the vibration of the planet. It must now be done by those who are now occupying the space that we once held. If we continue to have a party in our old space and with our old roles, after we send out the invitations, we will most likely find that no one shows up. We are in a big lull, a vast void of emptiness, and a space of near no space while we are waiting for the gelling process to complete. All as it should be.
Although it may seem that things have ended abruptly, they actually have not. We have been preparing for this the entire year of 2008. This is why 2009 will indeed be our year of new beginnings and new connections. We have prepared by slowly finding that we need not ever again “save” anything or anyone. We have been preparing by realizing that the higher vibration we thought we knew, was actually an illusion stemming from our old naïve 3D minds. In this way, we are now much more “real,” as we know that true spirituality involves a different state of affairs than what we may have believed it to be. We have been preparing by losing much of our old “ego” or being in charge selves. Yay! We have been preparing by now knowing that great love and things of a spiritual nature come from the simplest of things and from simply being present. And we have been preparing by finding that whatever we seem to think we need to create, seems to continually change as we change, before it can even manifest, thus resulting in a much more highly evolved “us” with a much more highly evolved creation.
So now here we are. We have hopefully removed ourselves from much. Having experiences of “being invisible,” unnoticed, disregarded and disrespected, and perhaps mis-treated have taken place in order to encourage us to pull out and move on. Our job is now done. We no longer belong in the world of the old. It is OK to leave. We are no longer responsible for bringing up the vibration of the planet. This has been accomplished…we have succeeded.
Now what? Like very new babies with a very new start, we now get to choose with fresh new eyes. We get to tap into our pure innocence and tap into a whole new us. We get to begin again. We may regain our curiosity, our sense of wonder, and a pure and pristine sense of things. Continuing to remain in old and familiar ways and surroundings will serve to impede these great gifts we are receiving. Jump starting and reviving the old will place us in a reality that may serve to bring futility, stagnation, boredom, and even depression.
We have graduated to a new level, but in many ways, we have yet to connect to that level. This can manifest as lower vibrating energies continuing to want access into our space, and even as thinking we have made new connections, jumping into them, but finding that the time has still not arrived, and we now need to back out and stay still for a while longer.
The rung of the vibrational ladder that we have just removed ourselves from, as we no longer need to hold that space, is still gelling. It is being set up and things are still being put into place. Once changes begin to be implemented, we will then get our “high sign.” The old space has yet to anchor itself without us. This phase must occur before our very new phases and roles can get going.
As we are now evolving into earth angels, as this is our new and natural space on the energetic hierarchy, we need to have a vibrational level below the one we are now residing in, in existence so that we can be its’ angels. This process is occurring now and in divine and perfect order. So even though it may appear as though the economy and our old sources of income have completely stopped, dried up, and become non-existent, they are simply on hiatus as they are waiting for this gelling process to complete.
While we are waiting, then, we are making progress none-the-less. In small, progressive and steady steps, we are setting things up for our new roles and new connections. We will be paired with incredible new people and places in the new reality of 2009. These pairings and connections are rapidly taking place now, even if not evident in all ways. And while this gelling and preparation is in progress, we will indeed be taken care of. We will receive at times, just as much as we need to stay afloat while in the lull, even if in small and sporadic amounts.
We have thus been removed from much of everything. We are being divinely protected now. All is in order. We are being housed in a beautiful and loving womb until we can emerge once again in a very new reality of a very different order. Thus, it can be challenging and difficult to try and connect to the new when all things are not yet in place. In this way, we may grasp and look for something to grab onto, for a sense of familiarity, but find that there is nothing yet to anchor onto. The lower dimension below us is going through this same process, but in different ways. All as one, but in different vibrational realities.
So although it may appear that things are tough, that much of everything has dried up for us, I can assure you that we are simply at the very end of one reality and now poised to enter a very new reality. We are done. We will now be reborn and offering our special gifts and talents as earth angels to those who need assistance from the next rung up on the ladder. Assistance for those who want to expand, who want to know how to create a new world, who want to reach higher, and who know that we can show them the way.
As the new angels of the earth, we know that the vibrational rung below us has free will to choose what it will create. We thus know that we need lovingly wait for it to be ready and for it to ask for our guidance. Just as when we resided at that level and asked for messages from “above,” we will now be “above,” and thus be providing these messages and this guidance for those needing it.
I have spending most of my time these days in the company of my non-physical companion. Over the most recent years, he arrived less and less frequently, as I needed to find my own guidance and council. Now, we are pretty much in the same space as this evolutionary process serves to continually move us up. We just hang out now as buddies, talking much through-out the day. But because of this, I also know that we will soon be parting ways. I have reached his level and will soon be receiving a new companion or “guide.” My current guide has been with me for several years…since I began my process in 2000. I am so very sad to know that we will be parting. But our guides are only higher vibrating aspects of ourselves and when we reach this vibration and unite fully, we then connect to something very new and different.
I share with you this story, as I know that many of you are experiencing the same. We are most assuredly moving forward.
Our new roles will involve our true and authentic selves. We will share our wisdom with those going through their process of evolution. In this way, we will offer a vast array of services to those who are expanding. We will know what they are experiencing because we have been there ourselves. And because we have purged and released so much, we will know how to assist in a higher way as well.
In addition, we will connect more securely with our brothers and sisters, as we assist each other in our very new roles. We will most assuredly be there to help each otheras we offer our own special gifts and talents to create the whole that will comprise our very new reality.
We are in a temporary stage of a massive transition. But as the new earth angels, we will experience a very new way of living and being, while we are residing in a very new reality in a much higher dimension. We need only hold on a little bit longer, stay centered, in the moment, be still, and trust that all, as always, is in divine and perfect order.
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Forgotten Path to Abundance
For years I have practiced "Prosperity Through Generosity" sometimes known as tithing or sharing the wealth. Whenever I receive money, I share it with others even though I may not have a lot of cash at the time. I have learned that, by continuing to share, the energy keeps moving and more money comes in. I also tithe in time by doing my work for no charge when someone can truly not afford it. This has afforded me the opportunity to do many things that I might not have done because of lack of funds. One day, while musing on the subject, I got a little hungry, so off I went to one of my favorite restaurants, not knowing that Spirit had a special challenge and a lesson for me.
I headed over to the
She thought, “Wow, a lousy $3 makes her so happy,” and she felt good about having given it to her even though her funds were low. When she arrived at her interview, she looked in her purse and found that she had given the woman two twenties and a one instead of three ones. She now had $2 to her name. She was kicking herself and couldn't believe she had given away her last money. The next day she got the job at
I told her not to be upset about the money, that perhaps that woman needed exactly that amount for the doctor and that she may have been praying for it. Mary may have been the instrument to answer her prayer and change her belief about prayers being answered and about life in general. She said that was a good way to look at it. That being said, I headed for the ladies room.
While in the ladies room, my guides said to me, "Give her back the money." I protested that I did not get paid for two more days and I wasn't even sure if I had that much in my bank account. They insisted, so I wrote a check for $50 and wrote prosperity through generosity at the bottom. I asked the other waitress to give it to her after I left so she wouldn't refuse it and wouldn't be embarrassed.
But that started me thinking about my checking account, so I went to balance it and see if all my checks were in and how much money I actually had left. I did not want my gesture to be negated by a bounced check. When I did that, I found that I had an extra $500 that could not be accounted for anywhere in my deposits, and all the checks had cleared the account. Suddenly I had 10 times what I had just given away. I felt it was a major sign for me. And that was a huge lesson, but the biggest lesson was yet to come.
A month later I received a letter from Mary. She said, "I don't know if you remember me, but I just wanted to tell you that I never cashed your check for $50. Money started to come to me from all directions. I framed the check and put it on my wall, and whenever anyone comes into my home, I tell them the story of your generosity."
I choked up and cried. I still can't tell that story without getting misty. And I got the message to think about how many people were being affected by that simple gesture while following my guidance. I will never know exactly how many people were moved by that story, but it was a very powerful lesson for me, and a much better reward than the $500. The small random acts of kindness that we do ripple out into the world and create all kinds of abundance, and it comes back from all directions.
Ever since that day, when I give a tip, pay my bills or receive money of any sort, I hold the money in my hands (and the hands of the giver and receiver whenever possible) and say this... "Divine Love through me blesses and multiplies all the good I am and have, all the good I give and receive, Bless the gift, the giver and the receiver. Bless and multiply and multiply and multiply."
Ripples...After telling that story at a class, one of my students tried it and was amazed at what happened. She stopped to buy a sandwich from a charity fundraiser. They were complaining that business was slow because of rain. When she paid them, she said the blessing out loud so they could hear her. They thanked her, and immediately three cars drove up and placed large orders for food. They looked at her and said, "You did that." She smiled and continued her day, knowing that however it happened, that something had happened. It became a mystical experience for all concerned. She felt great and continues to do this all the time now!
Understanding Prosperity through Generosity
The first objection I hear when I talk about this is, "Look at all the people who are rich and do not share their wealth, look at all the misers who just don't care." Well, I can tell you that they are not in abundance. Abundance is more than money - abundance is fullness of life, joyful spirit and magic and adventure in everyday life. That does not mean that people with money cannot be in abundance, just that those who are so fearful of losing what they have that they cannot share it with those who have openly supported them and been emotionally and spiritually available for them end up unhappy with their money and material accomplishments.
There is joy and great reward in making money and working hard. There is a fulfillment that comes from putting in an effort and seeing it manifest and no matter whether the motivation is to see the financial reward or doing the job for its own sake, there are rewards. However, these rewards are small in comparison to what we receive in all areas of our life when we put in an effort on behalf of others. When we move out of our little selves and move into our huge spirits, abundance takes on a new meaning. It no longer has a price tag in dollars. Abundance becomes friendship, loving relationships, financial stability, flow, joyful expression of our higher nature and more conscious connection to our divine spirit. No longer do we consider what the outcome will be when giving of ourselves and resources, we act from the heart in the moment, and it feels totally right, and we are blessed because of it.
Most wealthy people give to charities. Why do they do that? Sometimes it is giving from the heart, and sometimes it is a recognition of an ancient principle, "you have to give to get," you have to be willing to keep the money and energy circulating in order for it to keep coming round again and again. This applies to every area of your life, you have to be willing to give love to receive it, mainly because if you are so closed that you are not giving it, you won't be able to feel it when it is available. You have to be willing to give emotional support for that kind of support to show itself to you. You have to behave in the ways you want others to behave to you - it is the Golden Rule restated, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
There are people who continually give to you, organizations that dedicate their purpose to serving your spirit, and they do it with open hearts and continual flow. When it comes time to give back to them, do you act from the appreciation you have for what they have given you, or do you act from a sense of lack? Do you take advantage of their generosity or do you continue the cycle of prosperity through generosity? If you are asking yourself why you can never get ahead in life, ask yourself if you have been acting out lack over and over again when your opportunity to be generous comes round? And if you are acting generously, is it from the heart, or are you standing in judgement of those who, in the midst of their lack, cannot bring themselves to be generous to you? If you are standing in judgement, then you are only completing half the equation for abundance, you are giving, but you are holding other people in a "mold" that says they are unable to return the generosity, and that prevents them from changing and acting from their heart.
The remedy for this half-heartedness is to be grateful for everything you have, spend time reflecting on what is abundant in your life, spend time giving thanks for every little blessing that comes your way, no matter how small. Practice focusing on the good in your life, and it will grow the same way that plants respond when we focus positive attention on them. Plant seeds of thankfulness and it will bear the fruit of abundance every time. If you can't begin to feel really thankful because things are pretty bad right now, just begin acting it out, looking for what others might see as a small blessing and giving lip service to it. This tiny step begins to change you - your higher self, angels and the divine source use this small opportunity to show you their great love, mercy, abundance and grace.
What if those people and places that have been providing you with spiritual and emotional sustenance were gone? What if they could no longer serve you because they could not afford to keep the doors open? Where would you go for the things they have been providing you? How would your life be without them? Ask yourself just how important these people and places are to you in making your life better and give to them based on that feeling. Open your heart and give your time, your money, your good thoughts, your ideas, your talents, your connections!
Make a commitment to support those who are supporting you, and suddenly your crop of abundance will be harvested. You will receive time, money, good thoughts, ideas, talents and connections from others. Your life will transform itself into joyful community with like-minded people. You will see the seeds you have planted grow into fruit-bearing trees all around you, and you will experience the amazement, the joy and the fulfillment of going beyond your small self and becoming part of a greater whole. And that serves the world at large and the universe in its highest and best good, as well as yours.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Co-Creating and the Language of Peace
Co-Creating and the Language of Peace
by Sandy Penny
Co-Creating: Now that the SHIFT has occurred, energy to fund new emotional, creative and financial structures is floating around in the atmosphere. Can’t you feel it? Now is the time to claim what is truly yours, and as I’ve said so many times, knowing what you want is the important part of creating.
You don’t have to know exactly what you want, just know how you’d like that to look and feel and what you want from it. And you might even have to be flexible on how it looks when it manifests. What is your passion?
For instance, many years ago, I was managing a secretarial service, and I wanted my own business, but I had no idea what kind of business. I had been a secretary and a graphic designer, but my true love had always been writing. I didn’t have a degree, so I wasn’t likely to get hired anywhere as a writer. So, I made a list of what I wanted in a business. I wanted it to use my writing and graphic skills. I wanted it to include my spiritual focus that was definitely not mainstream religion, and it needed to support my son and me. I had a house note, a car note, insurance and all the expenses of a single mom with only enough child support to pay for day care. And, this was in September. I wanted my own business by November of that same year. I gave Spirit 2 months to manifest what I wanted. I did not say what kind of business it had to be, only that it include the things I mentioned above. And, oh yeah, it had to take no investment because I did not have any money to invest, none at all.
I kept focusing on the vision and expecting it to materialize. And, I didn’t have to have Spirit hit me with a lightning bolt and speak into my ears what it should be. I just stayed aware of what happened around me and what people said to me, knowing that someone else can deliver a message from Spirit. I had no idea where it would go.
Then, in early November, I was at a psychic fair. The buzz was all about the Common Ground, an events newspaper that had gone out of business. People kept walking up to me and saying things like, we had a lot more attendance when there was a newspaper, and we sure need a place to advertise that is targeted to our market, and we need a place to introduce people to these Spiritual concepts and get them to attend events and classes. After a few comments like this, a light bulb went off in my head, and I heard myself say, “I could do that.” As simple as that, a business idea was born. Then it was incumbent on me to act on the information.
I picked up an old copy of Common Ground and called the phone number to see what kind of info I could find out. It turned out to be a woman named Katherine Shugert who owned a bookstore called Pilgrim’s Path. She told me to come over and talk with her, and I did. She had been the answering service for the paper, and she gave me a list of previous advertisers. I did a proposed layout and wrote a couple of articles for the layout, and I invited all the advertisers to a party. Meanwhile I investigated printing costs etc. During that party, I sold enough advertising to pay for the first issue (no investment from me.) From that first issue on, I supported myself with the newspaper, something no one had done before with a free distribution newspaper. I lived on it for several years, and then met the woman who I trained to take over, and I move to another level in my life.
That being said, what do you want in your life? Write your program and focus on it until it shows up. Keep in mind if you are conflicted about it, don’t put it into the program, it will slow the process of return. Only put what you know you want into it, and I always added that it be “AIDO” All in Divine Order, in harmony with my soul’s purpose.
Now, on to what I started to write this newsletter about to begin with, the Language of Peace. You know how metaphysical types are always reminding you about negative words in your vocabulary and negative thoughts that are counterproductive. Well, I have some new monitoring to recommend. Einstein said, “We cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking at which it was created.”
As long as we are holding a war mentality and fighting everything in our lives, we cannot use all that energy to create a new world. In the old Piscean age, fighting for what we wanted was absolutely necessary and appropriate to our history, but now we have moved in the Aquarian Age, and fighting is no longer supported. That’s why I said, co-creating. Cooperation is now the new focus, what is win-win and what is for the greater good. Sacred partnership is the call of the day.
Our language is filled with words of war and conflict. We “fight” for what’s right. We have the “war” on drugs and the “battle” of the bulge. We fight cancer and heart disease. So much of our language still says that we are at war with our circumstances instead of being at peace with them. As long as we are at war with our fellow man and within ourselves, we are wasting precious energy that could be used to create peaceful, co-creative, community oriented projects for the good of all concerned. What are you fighting? Who are you fighting?
The world will never be at peace until we create peace within ourselves. Let that be our goal, to live at peace with our lives, to create for the greater good which is always for our own good because we are part of the greater good.
Greed is violent. It starves those who are hungry in favor of those who have way too much. Greed follows emotional need. If we have a hole to fill up inside us, we keep pouring material possessions into that hole, and it never fills up. Emotional needs cannot be met through material acquisitions. Look at the mortgage companies who just took billions of dollars of our tax money, and they are still not negotiating with the homeowners and bailing them out. If, instead, the homeowners had been bailed out by paying off their mortgages, the lenders would have their money and not need a bailout. Business would return to normalcy. But, the greedy are holding onto that money and they will not prosper because borrowers will remember how they were treated, and eventually all that bailout money will be spent, and we’ll be right back where we started.
Unless, unless - the greater good wins out. Please focus on that. This is the age of community and cooperation. We have enough resources in this world to feed the hungry, house the poor and heal the sick. Let us co-create a new non-violent world system that serves the people who fund it instead of exploiting them. Instead of fighting, let us join together in world service. The only reason we don’t have “heaven on earth” is our fear of lack. Let go of the fear and live the dream. Take responsibility for yourself and also help those who have not awakened yet to their own power. Instead of accusing them of contributing to their own demise, let us lead them to toward a brighter future.
Let us stop fighting and begin building. Let us stand up for what’s right. Let us heal the underlying emotional issues that drive the drug culture (emotional pain and boredom) and let us create our perfect weight out of respect for our bodies. Instead of fighting illness, let us restore the balance that creates our perfectly healthy bodies and lives. Instead of warmongers, let us be peacemakers. Pay attention to your words; they tell where you are coming from and what’s inside you.
Wishing you peace, love, abundant joy and all your heart and soul’s desires.
Sandy Penny "Writing is My Passion" Taos, NM HM/OFFICE: 575-751-1456
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Friday, September 19, 2008
Energy Alert - Where's My New Outlet?
My Dear Friends:
I am including excerpts from “What’s Up on Planet Earth” because I have been saying the same things using the same metaphors to illustrate what’s happening right now. It’s an amazing time in the energy of the “shift,” a major shift in humanity’s consciousness. Remember, sometimes the darkest hour is just before the dawn. The hurricane that swept through the US is an indicator of how big and how fast the energy is traveling. It was hundreds of miles wide and deep. It has caused upheavals in power systems throughout the country from Texas and Louisiana all the way to Ohio and Illinois. It is no accident that Houston, the energy capitol of the world, shut down its grid almost completely, with millions of people still without electricity. This is part of the plugging into the new system. Keep your eye on the prize now and be clear on what you want.
Consider the following, written on 9/12 before the hurricane hit, in this context of the shift. And, note that a huge shift occurs at the Equinox this coming week, if you’re willing to choose it and accept it. Let go of fear.
Here’s what it says on the latest energy alert at…
We are still in a stage where we have unplugged from one “outlet,” and our plugs are hanging in mid-air until we plug into a new “outlet”…but the glimmerings are arriving for that very new outlet in strange and sometimes subtle ways. While we are in the unplugged stage, we are preparing and re-aligning in preparation for a whole new us with a very new role, or new aspect to our current roles.
So then, being unplugged means that things are still, as we bottom out before we begin again. When things are still, at times it can feel that there is more going out than coming in, but this will change when we plug in once again. Things may be still without, but not within! During this preparation period, we are given the opportunity to open and to embody much more light. After this stage is complete, we then begin to feel the glimmerings of a very new connection.
You may suddenly feel very empowered for no particular reason. You may feel like taking a stand. You may feel ready to let go of any of the old that has entwined itself around you or that perhaps you interacted with out of politeness. You may feel like you did your part in a higher way, but you were the only one, and now you must move on….ready to dis-connect completely from any energies that were in a very different space than you. You may feel like it is time to have your way.
Some are having dreams of empowerment, of re-connecting to something new, solid, and of a much higher order, and others are finding new strength in setting boundaries. The past year and a half have been challenging for many, but we are about to finally re-connect to something we have not felt for a very long time…and it will be even better than what we have known thus far.
You may be feeling the glimmerings of being strong once again, as during the dis-connect, we can become disconnected from our true and authentic selves because we are moving into a more pure and higher vibrating version of ourselves. This can make one feel weak, fragile, lost, weepy, and frightened, but it is only temporary. It reminds me of a heart transplant surgery, when the old heart is removed, and all the blood is drained from a patient before a very new heart is then implanted.
In addition, a big shift has occurred over the past several months, even though it may not have seemed like much was happening at all. This shift is directly related to what is about to occur, and all of it has to do with re-connecting to a new and different energy. Over the past several months, we were removed from the old, prohibited from holding it up in any way, and may now have found ourselves in a very new space. Our old roles of holding the light for the entire planet were now abruptly over. This may have caused confusion for some, as who we had always been had suddenly changed, but we are, as always, evolving. We did not need to do this anymore, as we had completed one very important phase.
In times past, the higher energies would bombard the planet, and thus, create frequent shifts. But as time went on, and as we progressed so much in our spiritual evolutionary process, the higher vibrating energies coming from the outside began to diminish and subside in frequency and duration. There-for, these phases of “everything is going so well!” and “there is so much light!” became fewer and far between.
But there is good reason for this seeming lack of light and presence of “darkness.” We are now embodying much more light within. …But what is actually occurring is that we need to carry the ball now…ourselves. The scales have tipped….we are the light as never before. There is still the same amount of light, only it is has now been distributed a bit differently, as it is now within us to a much greater degree.
In this way, we are very strangely releasing from the whole…the whole being the outside energies of the universe or Source, as well as the whole being the old energies of prior creations on the planet. And yes, of course we are still and will always be connected to Source, only now we will be running and managing our energy in higher and different ways. We will be finding that the way we utilize energy will now be a bit different. We will thus need to manage energy through ourselves in different ways, and we will be guided and connected to these different ways without needing to consciously know how. So then, we have graduated.
In this way, we are now being encouraged to do what we want to do…We can now choose what we want, and then make it work. It is entirely up to us. There is no right or wrong, or even guidance from above, as the only guidance now is that “it is up to us.” We have earned it. We are re-connecting then, but we are re-connecting to ourselves…our true, authentic, and light filled selves.
But we are also connecting to a new whole, while we release from an older and more densely vibrating whole of the past. The new whole is comprised of purer energies…and most importantly, it is comprised of us. So then, we are connecting to ourselves and we are also connecting to each other. It is then, much more about us now.
As we release the “old whole,” we begin to learn about discernment and boundaries. Although we may still have many different energies wanting to arrive within our spaces, we will now interact with them in new and better ways. This is because we are no longer connected to them in the ways of the past. We are now more detached and can simply see love in every situation, as we now know that everything is not about us. We need no longer “work with them” or even try and be a part of them. We are no longer connected, so we can now observe them, know that they are not about us, and hopefully see them in a loving way.
Wonderful things are about to transpire, but these wonderful things are all in relation to how we choose to handle or interpret what occurs for us on a daily basis. We need not be “waiting” for a better day to arrive, as each day has, as always, its’ own gifts and beauty if we only choose to look. The better day, then, comes through us. In this way, we are now more powerful than ever before. Yes, we may have utilized this knowledge and these principles in times past, but there has been a monumental shift now, so things are different in this regard.
As the equinox of September 22nd draws near, so will our shifting and connecting to things new. Brighter and better things will depend upon each and every one of us now, more than ever before, as we are the ultimate creators. Connecting to our passion, to our true and authentic selves, to what makes us feel great, and to good and special friends are the ultimate ways to connect to more light. And knowing who we really and truly are, while bringing that gift to the planet, will automatically place us in one big and awesome alignment.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Locked in Lack?
Confirmations for Money, Abundance and Joy
Money is the root of all evil. (Who wants to be evil?)
Spiritual people don’t care anything about money. (If you care about money, you must not be spiritual?)
Changing Your Money Karma
Friday, May 16, 2008
Our Spiritual Journey
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Today I shall Eat Strawberries...
For the last week, for breakfast, I’ve been eating toast with peanut butter and banana. It’s a favorite of mine as a vegetarian breakfast, but today I woke up with a thought.
That thought was, “Today I shall eat strawberries.” I have a pint of strawberries in my refrigerator, and I’ve looked at them every day, and I haven’t felt as drawn to them as I did when I bought them. But this morning, something in me said, “It’s time to eat strawberries.”
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Just Another Day in Paradise ... Hanging at the Hot Springs
Above, Yoga Jane, Birthday Girl - beautiful at 50.
Me in the background soaking with my home girls.
More me and my home girls.
Below: Deep soaking, ahhh.
Above: The other Sandy in the deep pool.
Below: The evening party continues at
Sabroso Restaurant in the mountains...
Above: Two Sandys
Above: Elizabeth on the left, Birthday Jane on the Right
Above: A little too much wine at Sabroso.