Sunday, January 10, 2016

Laymen's Guide to Quantum Physics

Laymen's Guide to Quantum Physics

The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav

In the late 1970s when I first read this book, not many everyday people were talking quantum physics, and Gary Zukav's book was lumped into the metaphysical category. Now it is in the science section of bookstore everywhere. He based his writings on the following premises, that if you can't explain it to people, then it cannot be of much use.

The main concept that changed my life from this book was that consciousness affects matter, and the way you think affects more than just the way you see a thing, it actually changes the thing you think about. That sounds like a chaotic way for things to be, and we know chaos is a very active principle in the universe.

Gary explained that when matter is broken down past molecules and atoms, you can observe the basic building blocks of matter, quarks. When quarks are observed, they seem to behave the way the observer expects. They may behave as particles, streams, strings or whatever concept you come up with. Think of that and ponder what ramifications it has on the world as we know it. If quarks make up all matter, what makes different objects? Consciousness is the obvious answer. What makes a chair a chair, a table a table and you you?

Anyway, it was and still is a mind-blowing book that more and more people now comprehend. It changed the way I live my life, the way I speak, the way I act, the way I think. It gave me great responsibility for the life I live, and it gave me hope for the greatest rewards I could conceive and believe. It is one of the great secrets of the universe, and it's laid out for all to understand. It's the Matrix Unraveled. Dive in and see what it brings to you. I'd love to hear your thoughts.  ~Sandy Penny

Explore and Buy on Amazon:

Friday, May 29, 2015

Vision Quest

MY VISION QUEST 1997  by Sandy Penny

Connie dropped me off at the Native American Vision Quest land near Crestone, Colorado in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. I checked my canvas bag, two bottles of water, a blanket, a small native drum with a feathered drum beater, a candle, a sage smudge stick, and a box of matches. That's it. I would spend the night at the medicine wheel in the middle of the high desert by myself. Not many people knew about this place. Small tracts of land around Crestone had been donated to all kinds of spiritual groups. As she drove off, I had a twinge of fear, out here in the middle of nowhere, alone, what was I thinking? And then I quieted my mind and aligned with the reason I wanted to do this. I wanted clear space, nature and aloneness to open myself to my true purpose and to receive information on what's next for me. After the amazing trip to New Zealand, it was difficult to settle back into my life in Houston. As much as I wanted to have my kids back in my home, I didn't have a home right now, or a way to support them. I needed some clarity.

Still daylight, but with dusk approaching, I walked down the path to the sacred circle. Laid out like a Medicine Wheel with rocks marking 12 points on the circle, a metal placque on a stone at the entrance said Circle of Love. Around the outside of the circle were four stone domes, one for each element and dedicated to a purpose that suited the element: Earth for Healing, Wind for Communication, Fire for Transformation, Water for Emotional Release. I chose Wind for Communication. I had been working with the wind in NZ and on Norfolk Island, and it was a powerful experience.

The stone domes were stacked structures with no mortar holding them together. They resembled igloos and had a little crawl space entrance. Once inside they were big enough to stretch out and lie down on a packed dirt floor cleared of pebbles and raked smooth. The communication dome had a hole in the top where you could see the stars at night. After choosing my dome and spreading my blanket and putting my bag inside, I lit the smudge stick and waved it around, omming and singing Love and I are one, Love and I are one, we're one, we're one, we're one, we're one, Love and I are one, then going through other things I am one with, like earth, people, until I felt complete.

I returned to the Circle of Love. Walking into it and circling around it, smudging it with the sage. I stopped at each of the four directions, beginning in the east where the sun rises, I acknowledged my intentions in coming here. East, south, west, north. To align with my ancestors, to call in my spirit guides and teachers, and to listen to the wisdom beyond my small self, to align with my highest and best future. I called in my ancestors who love me, and acknowledged and thanked all the four direction meanings: Colors of Humanity: Red, Yellow, Black and White. Stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), death. Seasons of the year: spring, summer, fall and winter. Aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical. Elements of nature: fire (or sun), air, water, and earth. Animals: Coyote, Eagle, Wolf, Bear and many others. Ceremonial plants: tobacco, sweet grass, sage, cedar. After making the full circle, I sat and meditated on the South stone until it began to get dark.

I exited the circle and crawled into my dome. I stuck the smudge stick into the ground so it could continue burning, lit my candle, drank some water and picked up my drum. I began drumming and chanting, inspired with Native American sounding chants as I called in the sacred singers. After some time of chanting, perhaps and hour or so, I began to hear all kinds of native singers and chants. I heard other drummers, and I could see beyond the dome. I could see a group of Native Council members taking their places at the 12 stations on the medicine wheel. There was a fire burning in the center of it. And there were circles beyond circles of native americans joining them, drumming and chanting. I was told I could be present at the council powwow, but I had to stay in the dome and continue drumming. And I did.

Finally, I was asked what I wanted to know, and I asked, should I follow the native path, learn the traditions and teach others? I was told that I am not on the native path, the red path, this life, and that I should return to the city. My purpose was to be a bridge between the modern world of technology and the many different spiritual paths. That I am not on any of the ancient paths, but creating my own path from all that I have learned through many lifetimes. That I am to hold a vision for what a future world can be, with compassion, love, joy, creation, and healing. That I am a creator, and I should share what I know through my writing. That I am a teacher who will help shape the next world, and that it is very important that I stay true to what I know in my heart.

I gazed at the stars through the hole in  my roof, and I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep. I awoke to a bluebird flying around and around my dome tweeting loudly and continuously, like it was my alarm clock. I could see it pass over my dome over and over, non-stop twittering. "Ok, ok," I said, "I'm up." It flew off in acknowledgement. I drank some water, crawled out into the bright morning light, took a few deep breaths of the pure, mountain air and went for a walk around the grounds, remembering the eventful night.

I knew Connie would be coming soon to pick me up, so I went into the dome to put everything back in my bag. There on my blanket was a cobalt blue spray bottle labeled Essence of Isis and Ra. I sprayed it all over me and breathed in the refreshing and intoxicating fragrance. I knew I had not brought that with me. I didn't even own that particular essence, but I knew the woman who made them. When Connie picked me up where she dropped me off, I showed her the bottle and said we should go visit Catherine, who makes the essences. She invited us in for a cup of tea, and I showed her the bottle and said it had appeared in my dome during my Vision Quest. She said, "Oh, I wondered where that went. I just made it last night. It must be what you need right now. These essences often have a life of their own. Keep it." So I did.

[P.S. - I returned to the vision quest location a year later, and all the domes had been demolished by bears. Eeek!]

Monday, February 02, 2015

My Life Manifesto

My Life Manifesto 
by Sandy Penny, 2-2-2015

I never wanted to compete with others, only with myself. Even as a child, I wanted to create cooperation, not competition. Growing up with nine brothers and sisters was competition enough. I wanted to learn something new every day, and I have. I have always strived to be better at the things I choose to do, to improve processes, to innovate, to organize. I have always endeavored to leave a job better than I found it. I subscribed to the old adage, if a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. I intend each day to ask myself if I'm living from love or fear, and to always choose love.

I hope, when I leave this world, that I have had a positive impact on those I've known, and that I have done as little harm as is humanly possible. I intend, every day, as Ghandi advised, to be the love I want to see in the world, to treat others with kindness, compassion and respect. I intend to leave every person with whom I interact feeling better than when we met, without attachment and expectations. If one person has been helped by me, if I have lifted anyone's suffering, made anyone smile, then I have lived a life worth living. And, for myself, I want only to be the highest and best expression my soul intends for my earthly life, knowing that when I leave this world, I feel complete with each and every sacred relationship I forged, and every relationship is sacred.

I commit to using and fulfilling the purpose of each chakra, each energy center within me, to express the colors of the rainbow that is me. I open myself to the golden connection that is my crown chakra, that I may bring more spirit into matter. I connect with the source of all light and open my inner and outer vision that I may see myself, others, my life, and the world clearly and through the love that manifests all creation. I connect with the source of all words and align my voice with the voice of love and joy. I align my mind with the universal consciousness that I may raise my thoughts to higher realms and transcend all negativity of the human consciousness, that I may think in more creative ways, that I may inspire higher thinking through all that I touch, that I may express right thought, right speech and right action for each and every situation I encounter, that I may share wisdom when needed. I clarify and align my feelings and emotions with unconditional love that I may create sacred partnerships throughout my life, knowing that all relationships are sacred and deserve love and compassion. I align and restore my physical body to the perfection in which it was created that I may walk this earth, strong and healthy, and follow my own path on my own journey of spirit flowing into matter and matter returning to spirit, a conduit of love, light, joy and completion.

As I awoke this morning, these thoughts were running through me, and I wanted to write them down, to remind myself that this is my life creed, and that I intend to live it fully, and I am. I am a spark of infinite love emanating from the unlimited stream of love divine. I am a bubbling spring of joy and wisdom to quench the thirst of all who drink it in. As I intend, so shall it be, for intention inspires action, and action creates and manifests. I am creator, manifestor and the artist of my own life.

Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies all the good I am, all the good I have, and all the good I share. And so it is, and I am grateful.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

My Life Affecting Books

Someone on Facebook today asked me to list the top 10 books that have affected my life, and it set me to thinking back about that. As I reviewed my life, and I came up with a list. There are literally hundreds I could have mentioned, but as I meditated on it, these are the ones that stood out for me. Hope you enjoy them. Love to hear your comments or your own list.

10 Books that Affected Me and My Life

by Sandy Penny

Click any book cover to go to the Amazon information/buy page.

1. Hansel and Gretel by The Brothers Grimm. My brother Curt read this to me about 1000 times at my request before I could read. It is still my favorite book about empowerment. The children triumph over evil by cooperating and outsmarting the witch. 

2. The Bible because it gave me a base for morality and taught me the golden rule, the law of reciprocity. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And it has some great epic stories. It also made me examine my beliefs in light of all the different interpretations people had of this book.

3. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale because it taught me that I could change the circumstances in my life by changing the way I think about them. Being more positive leads to a more successful life. I read it when I was 10 years old, and it made perfect sense to me and changed my life.

4. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, a beautifully written tale of a woman triumphing over adversity at a time when few options were open to women. It represented courage, strength and acceptance of people's faults. I read it when I was a teenager, then again in my 20s, and again recently. And each time it was powerfully emotional.

5. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, a deeply felt and compassionate tale of the plight of migrant workers. It portrayed the hard lives of these workers and taught compassion for the workers of the world. It also inspired gratitude for what I have. Growing up poor in a family of 10 kids, it was easy to relate to. I read it in 8th grade, and a few more times throughout the years. Some find it heavy and depressing. I found it uplifting and inspiring.

6. Helping Yourself with ESP by Harold Sherman because it awakened abilities within me that I had always known were there, but did not know how to use. No longer in print. Gave me the stair release meditation that led me to my room (womb) of power that I still use to clear my energy and connect with my higher self, guides, teachers and spirit beings. Sherman was an inspirational speaker, a well-known sports writer and avid explorer of metaphysical life principles. I corresponded with him a few times throughout the years, and he was friendly and helpful every time.

7. Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East (series), reinforced my experience of life as magical, mystical and miraculous. Taught me to trust my intuition and the unseen beings I interact with. The mysterious beings with magical powers still infuse my life with wonder.

8. I'm OK, You're OK, simple transactional analysis for relationships. It taught me that we can disagree and still respect each other's points of view. We do not have to make others wrong in order to have our own opinions. Very popular in the 60s/70s.

9. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield . This was the first spirituality novel that hit the New York Times Best Seller List and stayed there for two years. It chronicled the way many spiritual paths unfold and incorporated it into an adventure novel. It appealed to both men and women. I taught classes on the principles expressed in the book because it was the exact way my path unfolded. It let me know that masses of people are awakening to their own spirituality. It was a beacon of hope and a map for exploring personal spiritual growth.

10. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by by Leslye Walton. It is so poetically written with such deep emotion and poignant style about a girl who is born with wings, and the women in her family who have experienced their own ways of being different. A lovely book that keeps me returning to the characters again and again, wondering how they're doing.

That's the list that came to me today, and it runs through my life like a golden thread of inspiration. There are many many more, and I'll explore some of them on my new blog:
If you'd like to get updates for these books, just go to the blog and sign up for the updates

Click book cover to go to the Amazon Page for my novelette, Covenant of the Dove.

Sandy Penny - click the photo to go to 

Click the banner for Sandy Penny's Fresh Eyes Proofing - final proofing for your novels.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Journey of The Frangy Pangy

The Frangy Pangy (Frangipani, Plumeria)

My daughter Andrea was about to graduate from high school, when her friend Allison gave her a cutting from her favorite plant, a frangipani (plumeria). She told the story of her aunt giving it to her when she was a little girl, and she called it the frangy pangy (with a hard g) since she could not pronounce or remember frangipani (plumeria). It was a lovely gift signifying years of shared connection with Andrea.

Unfortunately, my daughter was about to go off to college thousands of miles away and could not take the frangy pangy with her. I lived in an apartment, and definitely did not have a green thumb. So, when Andrea asked me to take care of the plant for her when she went away to college, I reluctantly agreed. I valued the energy that went into the gift. But, with a deep sigh, I hoped I would not kill it as I had so many plants in my past. If only I had the my mother's green thumb.

I lived in an apartment in Houston, Texas, and luckily had a drive-up parking space right to my front door. Unfortunately, my patio was all cement with no plants. At first, it didn't bother me, but it was not inviting people into my home. I had a change of heart and realized that I needed to connect with the earth energy by growing plants, in honor of my mother's amazing green thumb. When she was alive, I constantly rejected her efforts to engage me in digging in the dirt. Not my thing. Not my thing.

After discussing it with my friend Sue, whose family was really into gardening in their urban yard, she agreed to help me choose native Texas plants that would be easy to care for and require little of me to beautify my patio. I got a little bit excited. I bought a two-seater covered porch swing, because I had always loved swings and moving, never sitting still. And I found a wonderful wrought iron table with a rose in the center and a rose in the back of the chairs. So sweet. I found a couple of stained glass windows in wooden frames to hang from cup hooks to reflect the lovely bright Houston sunlight.

We went to the plant nurseries, and discussed what would be the easiest for a non-gardener to maintain. I wanted plants that required little watering, no feeding and would be hearty enough to withstand my lack of knowledge and lack of interest in plants. I loved that they were beautiful, but I did not want the burden of too much care. Pretty soon, my patio was an awesome oasis of green energy. Neighbors who had never visited me in two years of living there started to stop and chat with me, and I thanked the plants for that.

I bought a thriving aloe vera plant, which I always think looks like a native American headdress. I always call them my shaman plants because they look like feathers. They were easy to grow and practical for healing purposes. Great to heal burns and cuts and itchy things. I would sit on the swing and enjoy the beautiful, bountiful green space. Proud that I was making the effort to connect with the earth energy.

Anyway, back to the frangy pangy. The frangy pangy was in a plastic bucket without too much soil. I watered it when I thought of it, and Houston's humidity was good for it. But, after months of loving care, it was not really thriving. We had a heavy summer rain, as Houston is likely to do, and I set the frangy pangy on the ground outside and below my cement patio, so it could enjoy the tropical moisture.

The next day, I went out to move  the plant back onto the patio, but it was gone. Oh, no, my daughter's legacy plant had been stolen. I was devastated. I did not want to tell Andrea that the plant she had entrusted me with was gone. So, I didn't tell her. I decided to wait until she was next in Houston to break the sad news.  And that would not be for months.

Several months went by, and I forgot about the frangy pangy. One day, I was watering my plants on the patio, which, by the way, were thriving. and I was amazed at that. As I rinsed excess water off the patio, I noticed the frangipani (frangy pangy) lying on its side below the patio and behind the plants where I had originally set it to catch the rain water. I could not believe it. All these months later, and there it was, right where I had put it originally, but laying on its side. And it looked exactly the same. I was flabbergasted, but so grateful, because I had not mentioned it to Andrea, and she had not come home for a visit. She knew nothing about the missing frangy pangy.

I picked it up, and it was still in the  original plastic planter. The next day, I bought a nice large painted clay planter, and filled it with organic top soil. I replanted the frangy pangy in the new planter, and set it back up on the patio with my other now thriving plants. For a girl with a black thumb, I was doing ok. It immediately started making new plants.

Andrea never knew it went missing, but I understood, from a spiritual point of view, that plants, like all of us, have their own destiny. Sometimes crystals disappear for months and return later. Sometimes our prized possessions cannot be found and spontaneously return to us. But, that is not the end of this strange story.

A few months later, I moved to the Houston Heights. I no longer had a patio, but I wanted to honor the plants in their new environment. I had a big, beautiful fenced front yard, so I placed the covered patio swing in it, and surrounded it with the plants that had been on my patio. Since it was a very shady yard, it worked perfectly with the plants I had chosen for my shady patio. They seemed very at home in the new environment.

A couple of months later, the frangy pangy bloomed, after two years, for the first time. I was thrilled. The plant that had gone away and returned, was now letting us know that it loved its new home. How exciting.

A few days later, one morning, when I went outside to have my coffee on the swing, something felt wrong. I could not immediately identify what was wrong. Later, as I sat there, looking around, I noticed the frangy pangy was gone. I could not believe it. It had grown to the size of a small tree and was full of blossoms. It was heavy and not easy to move in the large planter now housing it. And, even more, the gates to the yard were locked. How could this have happened? Was there a plant thief?  Or was something mystical happening again?

I was so sad. Finally, the frangy pangy had bloomed, after two years and a huge move, and now it was gone. What was I supposed to tell Andrea?  I tuned in to it spiritually, and was told that plants, like humans and other types of beings, have their own paths, their own lives, and we cannot truly own them. They are friends along the way, and if they leave, it is not our karma to track them down. If they return, it is because they choose to.

I have visions of the frangy pangy bringing joy and healing to all who encounter her. I don't know where she went, but I trust in the concept of All in Divine Order. She brought me joy, she brought my daughter friendship and loving energy, and all who saw her benefited from her beauty.

Sadly, she did not return this time. I hope, some day, I will see where her journey took her, and I believe it was a path of joy for all who knew her. . . . fresheyesproofing

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Choice Points

Choice Points . by Sandy Penny

Life is a Sliding Scale from Pain to Ecstasy. Do you think you have a choice?

All around you, the world, the universe is teeming with life and light and darkness and death. Sometimes you feel it or see it or smell, taste or touch it. Sometimes you're aware of it, and sometimes you are too preoccupied with your own little microcosm to observe it. 

Yet, all the time, you are in it and of it. You cannot separate yourself from it because you are it, and it is you. There is no us and them. There is only being.

When you judge life, you feel pain. When you love life, you feel ecstasy. Life is a sliding scale from pain to ecstasy. It is a pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other and sometimes pauses at the center for a moment in time. That moment in time is called peace, and for most people, it does not last, the pendulum resumes its rhythmic swing. And, in every moment, it is your choice of where to put your focus. The pendulum will swing, no matter how you feel about it.

In every experience of pain or ecstasy, there is a choice point, that moment when you can choose how to act or react, how to feel, how to live. When you review your life, either at the end of it, or along the way, by conscious choice, you will see every choice point, and what your choices were, and you will see the outcomes of every choice, and you will know the route you took to get there. When my brother was awaiting a heart transplant, he began to have conscious awareness of the choice points in his life. He was shown every point where he chose to hurt or help someone, and there was always a choice point. It is not easy to look and see, to know and own, to recognize, experience, accept and love the whole of you.  Your REAL life (Recognize, Experience, Accept and Love).

People talk about mindful living. To live the choice points consciously is mindful living. To love the choice points and the outcomes is heartful living. To forgive yourself and others is emotional living. To know there is nothing to forgive is spiritual living.

ChoicePoints. ChoicePoints. ChoicePoints. What life will you choose? Who and what will you love? How will your path unfold, one choice at a time? It's your Choice Point now, and now, and now.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Season of Love

Today is a specially love charged day for me. I’ve just become a grandmother for the first time. My daughter Andrea and her husband Daniel proudly introduce their beautiful healthy daughter, Alexandra Lynn Gibson, weighing in at 8 lbs, 1 oz who rode in on the wave of Valentine’s Day love but waited until 12:23 pm (eastern time) on Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 so she can have her own birthday focus. The entire family is doing well and trying to get some rest. I have had a psychic relationship with this little girl for many years, and I’m so happy I’ll finally get to meet her in person.

birth announcement 2-15-2014

alexandra lynn gibson 2-15-2014

And, my Facebook friend, world-renowned artist and wise philosopher, Mrinalini Singh posted this today, and it just seemed so appropriate I had to share it.

poem by Mrinalini Singh

So, enjoy the love and share it with everyone in your life.

Happy season of love … Sandy Penny

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Memories of Spiritual Friends . Arthur Douet & Charlotte Sigler

Memories of Spiritual Friends . by Sandy Penny

On Dec. 7, 2013, the delightful Charlotte Sigler made her transition at 96 years young. Charlotte was a pillar of the Houston spiritual community. I met Charlotte in 1978 when I was publishing the first metaphysical journal in Houston, The Rising Sun. When I solicited her for advertising, she said before she advertised with me, I needed to come out and see Carmel, and she needed to meet me. I arrived, and she was a tiny little ball of energy dressed like a cowgirl. A quilted vest and western boots completed that image. She told me a little about the guidance that instructed  her and Richard on where and how to build Carmel. It was an amazing story, and after our talk, she became a regular advertiser and supporter of The Rising Sun.
carmel entrance Back then, there were three places you could go for spiritual counseling and community, The Chapel of Prayer, The Esoteric Philosophy Center and Carmel Temple.  These three places offered opportunities to explore your divine connection, your spiritual gifts, past lives and personal growth, unfettered by any church affiliations.
There were classes, speakers, healers, teachers, readers and all manner of consciousness expanding experiences. We knew we were on the leading edge of a paradigm shift, and so much of the information we were receiving was pretty far out there for the time. We needed places to gather and share our vision for the future. We didn't have the internet, or cell phones, or chat rooms or facebook. And, we wanted to be reassured that we were not crazy. We wanted playmates in our creative process.
We saw a vision of a world of people who cared about the  health of the planet. A world where no one goes hungry, and everyone is offered healthy alternatives and lifestyle education to be healthy, wealthy and wise. We held that vision in our hearts and shared it with others, and we watched people become more concerned with how we treat the planet and how we treat each other. We had a vision of world peace, and we still hold that vision, beginning with our own inner peace. For only from inner peace can we create a world of peace, love and understanding.
We saw amazing technologies that serve the world and the people, a system that makes life better. We still hold that vision, and it needs us even more now. We have raised awareness, and we cannot close that door once it has been opened. What we do now, we do consciously, and that raises our level of responsibility.
Charlotte and Carmel were always active in this endeavor. I suspect that Charlotte is not resting on the other side, but is working to make that big vision a reality now that she does not have a physical body to slow her down.
arthur douet 4 On Dec. 31, 2013, new year’s eve, my beautiful spiritual artist friend Arthur Douet crossed over at 76. I met Douet at the Chapel of Prayer  in 1978. He was a tall handsome man with a gentle face, a contagious laugh, hugs that wrapped you in love, and a Jamaican accent that imparted wisdom and joy with every word. But his silence was his true miracle, when he held your hands and connected with you, you knew he had touched your soul.  The moment I met him, I vibrated with energy I had never felt before, and I felt like I was seeing an old friend I thought had died, and now was alive again.
I was so blown away by what I was feeling that I had my first past life regression, and I saw that we had been married, and that at the early age of 28 in 1878, I lost my husband to a plague spread by a wagon train. I was 28 when I lost him, and 28 when I met him in this life. In numerology, 28 is relationships and manifesting, and the sum of the 2 and 8 is 10, a 1, a new beginning. How appropriate for my experience.
It turned out that we both lived in the same apartment complex, and we began a friendship that has lasted a lifetime. Even when we didn’t see each other for years, he would phone me and leave me messages that reminded me that one person on this planet thought I was beautiful and remembered our heart connection. We were soul mates, even though we were not intended to marry in this lifetime, and Douet had many soul mates.
He was a gentle giant, who lived a life of inspiration, art and  vision. Ten years prior to the Berlin Wall being torn dowrising sun logon, he painted a painting of people of all races taking the wall down brick by brick. He saw that and helped create it with his art and his heart. He also created my logo for The Rising Sun, a symbol of consciousness rising to the surface. What an energy blessing and a gift that was.
Charlotte, Nelson Mandela and Douet are now free to pool their considerable energy to move our vision forward. I hope you all will honor their lives by holding that vision and working toward it as well, in your own ways, with your own creative endeavors and your heart’s focus.
I am honored to live in a time when some amazing beings lived their lives with purpose, joy and commitment to a better world. And, I am blessed to have known many of them, and I am inspired to emulate them in my own life. Thank you all for being a part of my spiritual life. I love you, appreciate you and wish you all your heart’s and soul’s desires.
What will you do with 2014?
My Pinterest page image memorial to Arthur Douet
Carmel Temple’s Web Site
My Website: Sandy Penny

Monday, December 30, 2013

Invisible Temples Now Appearing Near You!

Fourth/Fifth Dimensional Life - by Sandy Penny

In the past 20 years, my meditation showed me many future visions. One of the impressive meditations indicated that temples, pyramids, underwater cities and livable caves, previously unknown, would show up as a confirmation that we have moved into a fourth/fifth dimensional reality. Throughout the years, I have watched for these signs and confirmations. Now I can share a few of them with you.

I lived mostly in New Mexico from 2005 through 2012. There are many wonderful magical places to visit there, and I visited many of them. My first power connection with New Mexico was Ojo Caliente, a complex of hot springs just north of Santa Fe and south of Taos. The cliffs there offer up a variety of waters with different mineral contents and healing properties. It is said that the Native Americans called this sacred land, and that no one was allowed to fight when sharing the hot springs, and it was also considered to be an area of opening to the inner earth realms. Geronimo negotiated many treaties while sitting in the peaceful healing waters. My friend and spiritual teacher, Kip Davidson, lived there for 10 years and taught me many things about the angels and elemental kingdom. I loved visiting there.

As I drove down that road often while living in Taos, I noticed these ancient rock formations that reminded me of the temples of Atlantis in my past life memories. I knew that those temples still exist at higher frequencies, and that if we can raise our vibrations to the right level, we can enter these temples, and they will once again become the power sources they used to be. No one I know shared that belief or memory except me, and I seldom spoke of it as it sounds far fetched and fanciful to most people. Eccentric, to say the least.

Last week, I saw an amazing listing online that confirmed my beliefs and reminded me that I need to share these experiences with others as confirmation of their own strange and wonderful experiences. Unknown to me, in all the years I lived and traveled that area, carved underground cathedral caves exist, and now they are available for us to live in. Check out the link below and the photos. I know that these were not available to the average person a few years ago, but now we have made a dimensional shift that allows us access.

Certainly, it has been big controversial news that a large complex of pyramids have been found in Bosnia, larger than the Egyptian ones, hidden under green hills, and no one thought anything was there until a few years ago when Semir Osmanagic, acting on intuitive information, began to explore them. Now, the unearthing is gaining support and has been confirmed by Egyptologists and archaeologists as a legitimate site. This totally changes the history of the area, as no one had any knowledge of the pyramid building culture in this part of the world. This supports my memories that Atlantis was "the world as we knew it then," and not an island or a city or a single culture. It was a time period in our earth history where temple/pyramid cultures were the norm. I believe these have only been recognized since we have shifted dimensions so we are now vibrating at a frequency where we can see them. Energy has been detected radiating from the pyramid of the sun. Previously, these structures would have been solid rock to us.

Fantastic underwater cities are surfacing now, some that have been supposed for a long time, but never found. It is said that underwater cities now being found can rewrite our history and change many religious beliefs. My sense is that we are expanding to enjoy a greater understanding of our past, present and future, in all directions. The following link has some great photos and comments about this.

In addition to all these unusual findings, crop circles, snow circles, stone circles and all kinds of mandalas are being created by humans and unknown sources. A 13-mile construction went totally unnoticed even though it was frequented by government airplanes for years. This ancient mandala is only now being publicized. We think we just didn't know about it, but I can tell you that we were not capable of seeing it previously. Now we are. This is deeply etched in stone/dirt in the desert. How did that go unnoticed?

I want you to know that the world is changing fast and furiously in ways we don't even understand or remember that they are different now. So, when you notice these anomalies, jot them down, share them, be weird, be aware, and know that all is well, and we are evolving. If you don't already know about Mandela Effects, google them and find out more. 

More links for temple discoveries:

Temples of Damanhur .

Lost Egyptian City found underwater .

New Buddhist Shrine uncovered, predates Buddha's Birth

Golden Byzantine Treasure Trove Found

10,000 year old house uncovered outside Jerusalem

Lost Angkor City Uncovered

Friday, December 27, 2013

Spiritual Evolution, Autism and ADHD

Spiritual Evolution, Autism, and ADHD

by Sandy Penny . WritingMuse

Many people, through the years, have asked about the spiritual purpose behind autism and other increasingly diagnosed conditions like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I was shown years ago that all these "new" challenges are part of our spiritual development and learning to deal with multi-dimensional realities. As a culture, we tend to try to systematize treatments of all kinds without respect to the individual's needs.

I understand that spiritually, autism calls us to focus on the individual's needs instead of trying to find a single treatment strategy. The needs of individuals are considered less as our population grows and we try to meet the needs of larger and larger groups, and that is a form of spiritual and emotional neglect. The emotionality of autistics is difficult to deal with in groups, and finding ways to deal with this difficulty is a great spiritual challenge.

This is a time of creating sacred partnerships instead of reactive relationships, and shifting into that more compassionate state is one of our human evolutionary challenges. Our tendency to hide away and punish those who are different must change.

I understand that an increase in autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and bipolar conditions are a result of the new, more advanced mind that is learning to process multidimensional information in order to create a new reality. We, as a whole, have to learn to honor different needs, in order to integrate the best of what we are being offered. Einstein was so far ahead of his time that he failed in school because he could not stick to their linear reality.

Our children need us to love them and cherish their differences enough to try to understand them and work with their challenges to bring their gifts to the world. Autistics are often empathic and kinesthetic and are assaulted by the emotions of others the same way they can't handle being touched because of the level of input they receive from that touch. Finding new ways to reach these advanced souls and call forth their gifts is an important undertaking.

We are learning and changing the way we teach and are taught by our children. Just to understand that our children are here to teach us, not just the other way around is a huge step forward.

This is one of the great spiritual challenges of our ascension process. And, as the ascension process moves through us, many adults show signs of illness and strange behaviors, and it is incumbent on those who are awake and aware to help them process and integrate the energy that is overloading their system and move into their expanded reality in more joyful ways.

Along the way, I was also shown that an increase in bipolar disorder is a result of our spiritual evolution. We are being inundated with high levels of energy to use for our personal and planetary missions. That surge causes a manic state. If we find our purpose for the surge and use the energy, it subsides and levels out. If we don't, it drops out and becomes a depressed state until the next surge reminds us that we have something to do that we haven't quite figured out yet.

ADHD is a result of multidimensional input, like watching several TVs at once and having to synthesize the content into a cohesive reality. It takes a shift in consciousness to successfully accomplish this new way of being. All the multi-tasking we are doing these days is training us, but those of us born before 1960 may be having difficulty adjusting and must find ways to simplify our lives. There is a place for the simplification as well. We have to help our children and grandchildren deal with this new fast-paced world while holding ethical spiritual boundaries and teaching them respect for others.

I wish you love, joy and spiritual companions on your ever-changing path.